Friday, October 31, 2008

Your Candy or Your Life ... GGGrrrrrrrrrr


Deborah Wilson said...


Eddie said...

And they grew up to be grown Frankenstein Monsters with ipods, gp(ws), blackberries, digital digital cameras, and so on.

Deborah Wilson said...

lol - Didn't they all?

My 1st trick-or-treater came around about 5:30 p.m. He looked to be abou 25 yrs old, had on a goofy pirate hat and was carrying a brown paper bag. By the time I made it to the front door he was running to my neighbor's house...

The times are a changing...


Eddie said...

Yes indeed, they are a-changing.

We didn't get home to about 9:30 and as we drove down the neighborhood's streets there were no people out - so, we didn't even turn on our front light. Humbug!