To me the truth is always stranger than fiction.
Here in Cobb County we had a commissioner Annette Kesting who lost the last election to her political rival Woody Thompson. It appears that there might have some bitter unresolved feelings between the two.
Now, a voodoo priestess in South Carolina is claiming that Kesting paid her a $3000 check to cause Thompson to “catch cancer or have a car accident”.
The priestess said the check bounced.
It got me thinking. “To cause an accident’? If you purposely cause and accident, then it isn’t an accident – right? Maybe the word “accident” was said verbally with a wink – then, I think it might technically be ok.
The G.B.I. is scratching their heads over this one. What law was broken? I am not sure you can call hokey-pokey business a conspiracy… and a conspiracy to what? To make the voodoo target hurt or be ill?
And I wonder what would have happened if the $3000 check didn’t bounce? We will never know.
$3000? Is that what it costs to have a spell cast on somebody? I know guys who'd cause an "accident" for a lot less, if you catch my drift...
(Me giving you a very pronounced wink and elbowing you in the ribs) Gotcha!
I declare, Eddie, y'all got some weird charactahs down theah!!
Are you believing this story, Eddie??? Kesting was probably set-up by someone who didn't like her - but time will tell.
But if Thompson gets sick.......I believe in that stuff.
This has been a weird year for politics.
We got 'em!!
Well, it is true, Kesting didn't quiet "fit in" by her white co-commissioners, but from what I read, she brought a lot of it on herself.
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