Chicken Fat
Monday, February 17, 2025
Patricia Whitten
Patricia Whiten.. This picture was taken about 2009 at a meeting of getting a Vaners Annual Reunions. I’m a couple years older than Patricia. About 51 years earlier she asked me could she ride to summer school with me, she had no transportation there. She knew I had to go to Summer pass the 11th grade and she had a class she had o pass.
On the ride to and from school we gossiped about our common friends, TV shows, and whatever else. I think it was always general with not much personal.
Then one morning between classes somebody, I forgot who and I r had a car race. Patricia was in the car. I chased whats-his-name down Polk Street at a high speed. He was so much ahead of me I lost sight of him but I was srtill at high speed. What I did not know he was waiting on me behind the Mountain View Cemetery, fairly near their back gate. When I saw the car I was chsing it seemed like we were about 10 fee from them and we were going high speed. I slammed on the brakes and the screech and squalled something terrible and car did a spin. But we missed them. No wreck!
Patricia chewed me out in a loud voice and kept on chewing me out in her loud voice. I don’t remember if she rode back with me or not. Our car pooling days were ove.
I think we wen until I took her picture here without speaking. Shef forgave me and . We became friends again., or Facebook friends anyway.
She married and had a family.
She died several years ago.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Joe Fry & Mr Harley
Joe Fry, One of supervisors in the Atlanta time keeping office. The guy he is presenting an award to is Mr. Harley.I Mr. Harley and his wife loved to sit on their front porch and watched people walk by and speak to them. He was also Wayne Williams Sunday School Teacher. They are probably dead now, that was about 50 years ago. Joe Fry fought in Europe in WW II. He said every day he was reminded he was black and had to do the grunt work. He said when Bob Hope came to entertain them the white soldiers were the first people in the audience, then German prisoners were the second. And last, way back in the back were the the U.S Black soldiers. That is a shame they were treated that way, even when defending our country
Saturday, February 15, 2025
George and his History Lectures
Back in the 1970s I carpooled to Atlanta to work daily with George. George is a Marietta native and so were his folks. He heard lot of informal local history and retained it, which is more than I can say. I looked forward to our daily drives. They were educational. Here is one of his George's narratives I happened to remember this morning: Outside of Marietta back before Lockheed came to town, out in the county was rural. Big and small farms. Once, a large landholder named Bill and his wife were having a heated argument. Bill got so mad he hit his wife over the head with something hard and knocked her out. He then set their house on fire. He was trying to push her under the burning house when she woke up. She put up a struggle and she overcame him and their roles reversed and she was trying to push him under the burning house with him struggling. I don't remember who won..
Friday, February 14, 2025
Carol & Teenage Killer Next Door
This is fellow retired postal employee Carol. I ran into Carol at a grocery store. Carol was a relief rural route carrier. Then she wasn’t. Then she was a Target employee. Who knows what goes on particulars that go on in people’s mind that impel them to do what they do.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Monday, February 10, 2025
Thugs & Coloring Books