Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Ancestor Wm A Trammell fought on Kings Mountain

 My great-g-g-g-grandfather William A. Trammell and his brothers fought on Kings' Mountain, part of the Mountain Boys Brigade (whatever). One of William's arm was sliced off during hand to hand combat, however, he lived to be an old man. Because I do genealogy KING'S MOUNTAIN was required reading, sort of. My wife Anna had the meetr Sharyn McCrumb years ago at a book signing event at The Book Exchange in Marietta, Ga. William A.'s great grandson, also named William A. Trammell, fought in the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, near Marietta. He was shot in the knee and recuperated in a private residence nearby. I think it is interesting that both William Trammells were wounded in a time of war on Mountains that both were on that both mountains started with K. My great grandfather William Trammell later changed his name to William Hunter, but that is a long story why.

Descendants of William A. & Emaline Ray Hunter Part


1.  Charles Jefferson Hunter (1865-1954).

2.  Arminta Jane Hunter (1866-1955).

3.  John Rafas Hunter (1870-1955).

4.  William Jason Hunter (1875-1896)

5.  Frank Paris Hunter (1879-1950)

6.  Oscar Ray Hunter (1884-1963)

7.  Arthur Riley Hunter (1884-1967

1. Charles Jefferson Hunter (3 Sept 1865 Macon Co., NC - 15 Feb 1954 Cherokee Co, Ga).  Charley owned Hunter's Store.  In the store was a small post office of the community of Kelp, which he was the postmaster.  He also wrote a weekly local society/gossip column for a Canton newspaper.  The name of the column was Hunter's Store.

He eventually moved next door to his father on Main Street, Woodsock, Ga.  His land low is a subdivision.

Charles first married Paraline Victoria Dobbs (25 Oct 1861-30 Jun 1897), daughter of Franklin Green Dobbs (1829-1862) and Clarissa Clara Mayfield (1836-1911).
Their Children:

A.  Clara Victoria Hunter (c1891-? ).  She married a Turner.
B.  Alfred Charles Hunter 15 May 1891- Cherokee Co, Ga - 3 Nov 1973, Kenville, Tx.  He became a dentist, moved to Tecas and married Mamie "May" Akridge (18 Oct 1892, Summerville, Ga - 18 Apr 1933, San Antonio, Tx.)  
They had one son:
Akridge Charles Hunter (1917-1997)

Akridge Charles Hunter (26 Jul 1917-Pleasanton, Tx - 14 Jan 1997. Houston, Tx) Alrodge also became a dentist. He married Helen Crain (4 Aug 1920, Pleasanton, Tx-7 Apr 2003, Richmond, Tx)   Akridge and Helen came to a Hunter Reunion in Marietta, Ga., in the early 1980s.
They had 3 daughters:
(1) Josana Elaine Hunter (1950-    )
(2) Paula Jean Hunter (1954-    )
(3) Holly Ann Hunter (1957 -   ).

(1) Josana Elaine Hunter (14 Dec 1950, San Antonio, Tx-   ) married Alan Wagner (14 Jan 1948, Ft Lewis, Wa)
a. Jovan Elaine Wagner (1982-    ).
b. Rachel Michelle Wagner (1985-     )
(2)  Psuls Jeane Hunter (5 Jan 1954, San Antonio, Tx) married Nathan Rakestraw..
a.  Nathan Rakestraw.
(3)  Holly Ann Hunter (12 Sept 1957, San Antonio -    ) married Daniel Cliff Huston.
a.  Lana Huston (1993-      ).
b.  Hayley Huston (1995 -    )
c..  Dolly Mae Hunter (aft 1892-     ? ).  She married a Pips.  She was a school teacher.  Her husband was wheelchair bound
d. Eva Bell Hunter (21 Aug 1895 - 30 Jul 1973, Beaver, Pa).  25 Jul 1920, Fulton Co, Ga., she married J. Harvey Poor (25 Mar 1896, Holly Springs, Ga - 30 Jul 1969, Allquippam Pa) Harvey served as an airplane mechanic in France during WWI.
n 1922/23 (between births of 2 daughters) moved family to Aliquip a, Pa in serach of work.  He was a machinist for J & L Steel Ccmpany.
- Christie Sullivan.  
They had 3 children:
(1) Marjorie Lee Poore (1922-2012).  She married John Patterson Osborne (1918-1997), born in Fayette City, Ps, and died in Chattanooga, Tn. Marj worked primarily as a homemaker, although she did office work during the war. She would stay with her parents during the week and work, and then go by train to stay with John's family on the weekends. She also briefly worked outside the home after they relocated to Chattanooga. Aft er John's death, she moved in with her daughter Margie. She is very active in her church and keeps busy with sewing projects for her grandchildr en and great-grandchildren.
- Christie Sullivan
John worked for the railroad prior to getting drafted (he was stationed in Hawaii & fought in the Pacific campaign). After the war he went to s chool and became a draftsman, working for Combustion Federal. In 1960 he w as transferred to Chattanooga, TN. He is buried in the National Cemetery in Chattanooga, TN.
- Christie Sullivan
They were married 31 Aug 1942, Cumberland, Md
They had 2 daughters:
(a) Marge Louise Osborrne (1947-      )  Marge married H. Edgar Talley, son of Hosmer & Belle Talley, 1974 in Ringgold, Ga.Margie attended Techoa Falls College for 1 year. She worked for years at Chubb Insurance in Chattanooga, but was laid off in the 1990s. She took t he Civil Service exam and has been working at the National Cemetery in Chattanooga since then.  Ed served a stint in the Air Force, out in Nevada or New Mexico before meeting Margie.
They had one daughter:
(.1) Jennifer Lynn Talley (1976, Chattanooga, Tn -   ).  She married Terrell Allen Stallings (1974, Ga)
Jennifer received her education degree from UTC, and teaches at Westside E lementary School in Whitfield County, GA - Christie Sullivan. Terrell is certified in landscaping and is currently employed by Dalton Pa rks & Recreation department.
- Christie Sullivan
(b) Mariane Faith Osborne (1948, Fayette City, Pa  -  ) She mary Gary Leslie Sulllivan (1940, Nashville, Tn -     ) 24 Aug 1968- Chattanooga, Tn.-     ), son of Irvin Sullivan and Jessie Mae Bass
Marian received her BA from Tennessee Tech in Accounting. After settling h er family in Powell, TN, she went to UT and got her teaching certificat e. She has been a teacher for 20+ years at Halls Elementary School in Knoxville, TN. - Christie Sullivan.
Gary received his EE from Tennessee Tech, where he was also in ROTC. He se rved 4 years in the US Army and then took a job with TVA in Knoxville, T N. He took early retirement in 1988 rather than be transferred to Chattano oga, and then worked as a Project Control Engineer in Oak Ridge, TN. Curre ntly he has his own business, Sullivan Services Group, and does contract p roject control jobs. He also retired from Naval Reserves. - Christie Sullivan
They had 3 daughters

(b)Mariane Faith Osbourne (1948)

(2) Elizabeth Rae Poore (1923-2011) Born in Alquippa, Pa.  Cremated.  Married Leonard Boone great-aunt Betty pasted away (Elizabeth Rae Poore Johnson) this past Thursday. She's been having kidney issues since late summer, and died during a "routine" kidney stone procedure.
Her body is being cremated (like her husband's was) and the family is having a memorial service this Friday in Brookville, PA.

Here is the link for the obituary, although there is not much to it.
Len worked in the wire dept at J & L Steel Co.   He lost his battle with stomach cancer..
They had 2 children
(a) Virginia Lee Johnson (1940-1986)
(b0 Ralph Leonard Johnson (1942-     )
(3) Harvey Eugene Poore (1928-1973)

(3) Harvey Eugene Poore (1928-1973).  He was born & died in Aliquippa, Pa.  He married Anita Certone (1928-  ) He was a lathe machine operator,  After Harvey passed away Nita began teaching.
They had 3 children:
(a) Mary Ann Poot
(b Michael Harvey Poore
(c) Raymond Edward Poore

Charles Jefferson Hunter and Paraline Victoria Dobbs had 3 daughters:
E. Anna Laura Hunter 
F. Katherine H. Hunter
G. Ruth H. Hunter

E. Anna Laura Hunter  (aft 1887 - ?  West Palm Beach, Fl).  She married  Turner.
F. Katheine H. Hunter (af 1898 - ? )
G. Ruth H. Hunter (31 Jul 1917 Woodstock, Ga - 24 Mar 1965, Cherokee Co, Ga..  She married Pete Mauldin.  
They had one daughter
(1)  Letha Mauldin

The Force


Van Perberg, gone

 Posted Jan 22, 2022

We will miss Van Pearlberg. He died Saturday. We have been a Van Pearlberg fans for many years. I was on Jury Duty and watch him in action as a Assistant DA under Buddy Darden. I remember he was a very detailed lawyer enforcing the law. I admired watching him presenting his case at the Marietta History Center of the hanging of Leo Frank concerning the rape of Mary Phagan in 1913. He researched the details in that. I only got to speak to him once, during a Marietta Homes Tour, his and his wife Pat’s house was on the tour. He was in the back yard showing off his restored antique Model T Ford to a few people. I joined in with the “Ooohs and Aahhhs!”
I remember once he buckled horns with another Marietta councilman over a tree he planted in front of his house on Church Street. Their feud was in the papers. Apparently, they made up.
I enjoyed reading of his antics through the year. He had a restless mind.
He will leave a void in Marietta.

The new owner will continue with the decorations.

Monday, January 20, 2025

We were lucky

 Remember the Georgia Drive-In Theater? It was on what is now the campus of Kennesaw State College. Also in the picture is Clay Street Crossing the 4-lane, and probably a slice of Pine Forest Apartments, the Bowling Alley, and I’m not sure Hodge rothers Army Store was there yet or not.

Back to Georgia Drive-In:
When I worked for the Big Apple after I would get off on weekends it was a good fun social place to go, it was a good place to run into friends.
Once Jenky Latimer went. What was on that night was a good movie, I forgot what. Right at the serious important part Jenky drove his very identifier car down front, turned around to face all the cars and turned on his brights. All the cars blew their horns and we got the hell out of there, we already saw the movie anyhow.
Another adventure. Once Monty Calhoun and I were in a driving north on the 4-Lane. A car with 4 boys about our age rode by and shot us birds. Somehow we identified them as Sprayberry High School boys and I think they identified us as Marietta High School Boys.
We began to chase them. Finally, the red light at the 4-Lane and Clay Street stopped them. We jumped out and dared them to come out. We even rocked their car. All 4 boys innocently looked straight ahead.
When the light changed, they sped off. And I was very relieved. WHEW!
If they had stepped out of the car, they would have seen me, I don’t know about Monty, run like hell.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

30060's, Small World


At the grocery store yesterday, while at the pharmacy counter I heard back in the back one pharmacy clerk say to another pharmacy clerk a certain name I recognized instantly.  The name was of a postal carrier I worked with years ago.  It had to be him, it is a screwy last name.  Even tho we are facebok fiends   I haven’t seen this guy since 1999, before  I retired.

Later I told Anna about hearing the name aand somehow in the same conversation she brought up another person of my past that we see often at Krogers.

Which reminded me of another interesting fact:  That lady’s mother-in-law lives at a special number on the road she lived in.  It is where 2 cariers’ routes meet.  What ever her  number is is not the same the carrier delivers to.

Her house is a turn around spot.

Small world, and being a native of the Postal Service you worked in for 20 plus years makes it even smaller.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Mr Mack

 Boyd McKeown. Or also known as "Mr. Mack" or "The Band Teacher" I think he was the Marietta High school Band Director my whole time at MHS. He taught his bands to do it right with music and marching. When they marched out on the field you felt a certain thrill or excitement. They pumped the spectators' adrenaline. It is ironic that now he wears a hearing aid. I run into him from time to time, he looks the same as I remember him in the late 1950s. He has brought up my blog Chicken-fat to me without me mentioning it. It took me by surprise because I am invisible to most people. I wasn't even a student of his. He has a keen mind.