Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Alec Bateman


My Tennessee cousin, Teresa, recently started a family FB page and it has been pure joy to see old pictures and reminisce.

Teresa said
This is my great-grandad, Alec Bateman. He lived 101 years. When he went on to Glory, he was survived by his wife of 76 years and all eleven of their children. None of that is news to me, but I have a renewed gratitude and appreciation of how miraculous that is. Praise the Lord! He sure blessed that Bateman bunch

Monday, June 24, 2024

Edith Hunter Sims


About 1979. Edith Hunter Sims (1908-1996). According to my genealogy software we are 1/2 first cousins, twice removed. At the time we met, in the 1970s Edith and her first cousin Eric "Joe" Hunter were the only living grandchildren of our ancestor Jason Henderson Hunter (abt 1817 - abt 1885), who was mine and my generation of Hunter first cousins great great grandfather.
For a few years she and her Joe came to the Hunter Reunions in Marietta and the bigger Hunter Reunion in Blairsville. Then she brought her two sons. One son was a big game hunter and owned a chain of saloons across the Southern United States. I think he told me his restaurants were decorated with his hunting trophies, such as deer heads, elk heads, and whatever. The other son was one of the founders and vice president of Holiday Inn. He lived in Memphis, and later retired and moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas, and bought his own bank.
One time Edith and her two sons were here the day before the Reunion and they wanted me to drive them around in their plush rented car and visit my uncles. At one uncle's house, who lived in an average income house, after we had a cordial visit, back in the car, the son who owned the bank reach for his beer, found it was warm, he lowered the window and toss the can onto my uncle's front lawn. That said a lot of how he probably felt about us.
A few years later Edith had a stroke and was blinded. When I was with Anna on a business trip to Memphis I drove to Jonesboro, Arkansas, and looked up her grave. She is in a big plot with the rest of her family and parents. I looked for Jason's grave in the same huge graveyard but could not find it.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Ancestors Daniel Webster & Sarah Jane Garrett Petty


My great grandparents Daniel Webster Petty (1843-1913) and Sarah Jane Garrett Petty (1850-1929).
Daniel was born in North Carolina, son of Elijah and Letty Lewis Petty. In 1849 his mother Letty Lewis died and the family moved to Fannin County, Georgia, where he grew up in and married Sarah Jane 1873.
Daniel, in the Civil War enlisted- Confederate Army Co B, 65th Regiment, Ga. Infantry. In the CSA he spent a lot of time in hospitals with stomach disorders - probably because of all his hospital time he switched over to orderly.
The Daniel Webster Petty moved his family to Murray County, Georgia, in 1890.
Sarah Jane Garrett Petty was born in Fannin County,
daughter of Joseph and Nancy Elizabeth Mashburn. Some of her grandchildren (my mother's generation) believed Sarah Jane was a epileptic and other believed she drank too much. She was known to, if a grandkid, got within her reach, she would grab the kid and shake him or her

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Luther & Lily May Foster & note

 This is of Anna's grandfather's brother Luther Foster and his wife Lilly May Cook. Anna's late mother Marie made very meticulous notes on the back of the pictures. This one points out that Lilly May died almost eleven months after they were married.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sons at Ancestor's Barn


I took this picture of my sons Rocky and Adam in 1990. They are standing beside the weathered out-building on what was their great-g-g-grandfather John's Ray property in the Burningtown Community of Macon County, NC.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

C1917, Prance Brothers Clifford & Paul

 c1917. Brothers Clifford and Paul Prance. Left is Clifford Prance (1914-1992) and right is Anna's father Paul Prance (1910-2000). Clifford is the father of Franklin and James. Paul is the father of James, Tommy, Julian, and Anna. Paul and Clifford, along with their other siblings were born in Cobb County and spent their lives in Cobb County.

Monday, June 17, 2024

CW & Neal, Mountain Cabin Front Porch

 Left to Right: C.W. Connor and Neal Lawrence. C. W. and Neal are relaxing on C.W.'s front porch, near Ellijah, Georgia. C. W. built the porch they are sitting on and the house it is attached to. In high school, C.W. was a couple years ahead of me. He always had a group of friends around him and all of them had a cocktail in hand ready for some casual social talk. His home is on the side of a mountain with no neighbors. By the gravel roads he can hear the approaching of a car several minutes before it arrives which gives one time to load the shotgun and/or put on some clothes.. He grew up to be a well known folk artist. His art is expensive but his down to earth homespun philosophy is on the house.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ed Hunter (1911-1988)


My Daddy and Chief of the Marietta Police, then later the Cobb County Police

Saturday, June 15, 2024

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! MAD Magazine #24's Paper's Comoc

Stories by Editor Harvey Kurtzman; Illustrated by Will Elder


Charles Brooks Foster, Charles is the kid


This is the Charles Brooks Family. Anna's mother's father's side of the family. They lived in the Roswell/Milton/Alparetta, Georgia area.
Left to Rght, first row: Charles Brooks Foster (1856-1928), Anna's great grandfather), Paul Everett Foster (1895-1936) Anna's grandfather, and Ardella Catherine Vinson Foster (1857-1933) Anna's great grandmother.
2nd Row: William Luther Foster (1879-1941), Lena May Foster (1877-1939) and Edgar Bell Foster (1884-1932).

Friday, June 14, 2024

Paris - Ooo La LA!


Paris.   There is a countdown daily to the Olympics to be played in Paris soon.   This Spring or early Summer my son, daughter-in-law, and grandson went to Paris.  Paris, France, that is.

There is also Paris, Texas. 

My grandfather was born in Pais, Texas, just when  his family were loading up the wagon to head back east to their hometown Franklin, Norh Carlina.  They named the baby Franklin Paris Hunter (1879-1950).

They never made it back to Franklin.  On the way back the father, William A. Hunter/Trammell decided they should settle in Woodstock, Georgia.  During the Civil War he was shot in the leg during the battle of Kennesaw Mountain and recuperated in a private residence  in Woodstock and while there he found the people were friendly and he made friends.

Not to mention he was probably still wanted for murder in Franklin when his name was William A. Trammell.

Fun Fact:  The movie PARIS, TEXAS, is banned in Paris, Texas.

Checking out the new hospital in town

 vNote: The opening cartoon by Georgia’s own late Jack Davis is from MAD’s first issue as a magazine, #24. 1 thru issue #23 were comic books.

On Facebook I saw something about wrestling back in the day and it reminded me:
This time I went with Daddy. He did not go inside the main room. He liked to hang around the snack counter and talk to old friends he knew all his life. Being chief of police he wore his uniform, which was extra security, not to mention probably free admission.
A professional wrestler was billed to wrestle with a bear that night. There were to be two or three events. The bear was to be in the last event.
I ran into a friend and we played on the highest bleachers.
I found that almost in almost every bout you have a Mr. Clean Cut vs Mr. Meanie. So the winner is pretty much predictable unless one of opponents is a bear. Then who knows? I was anxious to find out.
A little girl about my age was sitting with her parents not far away. I did what any 9 or 10 year boy would do, make a spectacle of myself. My friend and I played all over the bleachers and did many death defying tricks for the girl’s amusement.
Then in leaping from one high perch to another I made a miscalculation and fell.
I broke my arm.
My arm looked all twisted. I put my jacket over my arm so Daddy might not notice and hunted him down. As I expected he was leaning against the concession counter talking to another policeman. I walked up to him and told him I wanted to go home.
Daddy said, “And miss the bear?”
Being the experienced policeman he was, he said, “Why do you have your arm covered?” He lifted my jacket and saw my broken arm.
He first drove by the house, only a couple blocks away and went into the house to tell Mama he was taking me to the hospital.
The gave me gas and I woke up with a cast on my arm.
Kenestone Hospital was new. They haven’t quiet figure out where to put preteens. They put me in the toddler ward.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sign says "Cotton 10 Cents a pound."

 James M. Prance. This is my great-great grandfather-in-law, on the Square to sell his cotton, cir 1920.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Buddies in Front of NYC Plaza

 This is the Plaza Hotel in New York City, almost next to Central Park. Here are my Navy friends Dick Hiatt, Don Lash, and Ray Schultz.

The pose at the fountain I directed my friends to do, I think I saw the Monkees do a similar poise several years later on their weekly TV show. Do I get an inspiration fee? Is it too late? Hey! We did it first!

Monday, June 10, 2024

William LeRoy Petty


My mother's brother and my uncle Roy Petty.  When in the Navy I, with buddies, visited him in Carmel, NY, a lot.  He was a paratrooper on D-Day and director of Clearpool Boys Camp, which was for NYC innercity boys in the summer.  He even stood up for Ed Sullivan annually.

I think he was generally known as "Bill" but us kin-folks, he was Roy to us.

Marietta & Kennesaw Mountain, b&w, looking down


Saturday, June 08, 2024

Nellie Mae Rowe


About 1968, give or take a year or two, commuting, I sometimes went thru Vinings coming home from work.  Along that same time a friend’s first cousin, who was about our age, was killed in her car, when hit by a train there.

That may be why I went through Vinings those times, to check out the accident scene.  Her name is Sandy. 

On one side of the tracks was an old house which had some unusual decorations:  little plastic dolls, notes, cards, empty cigarette packages, and anything one might throw out waiting on a train to pass.


I was amused.  I pulled over to take some pictures to share with Navy friends I communicated with.  When I did, I was soon joined by the owner, Mrs. Nellie Mae Rowe.  She was happy that I appreciated her stuff and  showed me around. She pointe out that she used bubble gum  to adhere the little objects.

She also invited me inside.  She had a room dedicated to Marin Luther King, a kind of a shrine.


She was an artist too.  She had some canvas art.  Very folk artsie.  She was a very gentle and complex lady.


I don’t remember if she told me her name then or not.  I was pleased when years later  we came across a special section the High Museum that had  her work.  Her name is Nellie Mae Rowe, born on the 4th of July in Fayette County, Ga and died 1982 in Cobb County.


Unfortunately, her home was swallowed by big modernoffice buildings.  Make way for progress, as they say.


I wrote about Nellie Mae this weekend because the Marietta Daily Journal, this weekend Edition, has an article about her.


The pictures by and  of her I lifted all the Internet.

Check out this link:



Roger's Ferry

Posted on Facebook 10 years ago:


This is Rogers Ferry crossing over the Chattahoochee River, about 1890. They are probably coming from Atlanta's side to the Roswell side. On board with his two mules and wagon is William Cinatra "Buck" Jones (1850 - 1930).
Buck, a farmer, was a resident of the Cumming-Alpharetta (Milton), Georgia, area. He was married to Sarah Ann Elizabeth "Sallie" Brown (1848 - 1920). They were/are Anna's great great grandparents, on her mother's mother side.

Friday, June 07, 2024


This morning on my walk I saw the neighbor’s son, about 18/19 roar off on a motorcycle with no shirt or helmet on.  Tch tch.

In a matter or a minute or two he roared back.

Then he was about even with their driveway.  I, like a deck hand motioning in a jet plane on an aircraft carrier, waved him in.

He pulled up beside me and said good morning.  I asked him what kind of motorcycle was that and he told me and I forgot.  I never heard of that name, whatever it was.

Then I told him I once (1975)  had a motorcycle Honda CL350 and somebody stole it.  I told him the long story.

Then he asked me where the choke was.  I told him I had no idea.  He asked me how would he know if it is working or not.  I told him I think you can tell by he sound of the engine.

Do I know everything or what?

Aunt Annie - jilted?

 This is Aunt Annie Tyson (1893-1979). She is our grandmother Minnie Tyson Hunter's sister. She married Thomas Orlando Crowder. They had two children, Evelyn and Horace. They lived in the Fair Oaks area of Marietta.

In this picture Annie looks to about 12 or 13. By her expression she looks as though her boyfriend might have just jilted her.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Mama's Birthday Today

 Ethel America "Janie" Petty was born June 6, 1918, in Gillette, Wyoming. Eighteen years later she married and her last name changed to Hunter.

One time I Googled Gillette to see what they are known for. They were the Women's Mud Wrestling Capital.
She died in 1996. She lived 77 years.

D Day Blood Relatives


Stanley Hunter, my father's brother, and Roy Petty, my mother's brother, my two uncles that wree part of the Normandy Invasion on D-Day.

Cuz-in-law Zell

 Hunter first cousins: Our 3r cousin, once removed, Shirley Ann Carver Miller's husband Zell Miller, former Young Harris College professor, former state represenative, former Govenor of Georgia, and former U.S. senator died this morning.

Shirley Ann Carver is a member of the Ray family, the same as our great grandmother Emaline Ray Hunter.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

J.B. Strone, ugly reminder

 During my adult life I have taken thousands of pictures. Many, probably most, went unshared. Well, I am going to try to remember to share some or at least one daily. Some are good, some are not so good, and some you might think are terrible.

I attempted to do this before, and the novelty wore off quickly. Here we go again!
Racist J.B. Stoner speaking. Larry McDonald sitting.

Monday, June 03, 2024

Squirrel Nut Zippers Reincarnated


Our son Adam told us he and his mate Savvy went to a concert to hear SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS Saturday night.  Squirrel Nut Zippers.  Wow!  I remember them.  I forgot them, but with Adam mentioning their name made me light up. Maybe my eye sparkled.  Their music was/ is very jazzy and fast faced.  I thought of the Roaring 20s with all the male musicians wearing zoot suits and the ladies wearing flimsy dresses.

I am almost 83.  If the band members are the original band members they are probably in their late 80s or even 90s.  WOW!  Again.

Out of curiosity I went to Pandora and searched.  Yep, they are listed, but they are listed by song.  I clicked on one and first you have to watch a commercial before you listen to their music.  I drummed my fingers on that.  I am very frugal.  So, is a minute or so worth my time?  Finally, I said, “You only live once, what the heck!”

And watched the commercial and listened to their music. 

Wow!  Just as fast and jivy as I remembered.

However I googled them and they look a generation or two younger then me.

I think they replaced themselves!

Another Invisible Man Tale

 The Invisible Man goes to Krogers.

The other day Krogers’ Pharmacy automatic calling service called and said my prescription was ready for pickup.
This morning was the first day we were shopping at Krogers since the call. I dropped by the pharmacy to pick up the medicine.
I stood at the window and they recognized me and the doctor told her assistant something and she looked through a bunch of prescriptions and brought me an envelope. She said, “Here’s your eyedrops Mr. Harper.”
I said, “Hunter!”
She laughed and said something, “Sure Mr. Harper!”
I signed for the eye drops and paid with my credit card and mumbled something like I haven’t been to my eye doctor in over a year, how come did send me eyedrops?
She said something like, “Check with him Mr. Harper.”
I said, "Hunter!"
She laughed again.
Walking away I looked at the eyedrop bottle. It was made out to someone named Hunter Harper.
I went back and told them this was for someone with the last name Harper. His first name is Hunter, the same as my last name.
The druggist said it was her fault. She recognized me having the name Hunter, so she got me and Hunter Harper’s names confused. She credited my credit card. She went on to say each time her helper said ‘Mr. Haper’ and I corrected her by saying ‘Hunter’ they thought it was just my way of saying call me by my first name.
I said, “I never met Hunter Harper, but I bet he is good looking!”
Not missing a beat the druggist replied, “Very!”
I asked why did their automatic calling service call and said I had a prescription to pick up. They looked around and couldn’t find anything, so had no idea.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Charles Milford Hunter

 Posted on Facebook 8 years ago:

This is my 3rd cousin, once removed, Charles Milford Hunter. Charley is the son of William Jess and Sadie Ray Collins Hunter. In this picture he is standing on his porch in the Choestoe District of Union County, Georgia, on property he was born on, and so was his father Jess.
Once at a Hunter Reunion in Blairsville when I first met Charlie we were making the world smaller, he found out he live in Marietta and he said he was stationed at Marietta at Dobbins Air Force Base. He said the bank kept confusing him with another Charlie Hunter in Marietta who owned a laundry. I don't remember how we zeroed in on his Air Force friend "Smokey" Stover who also is from Marietta and still lived there until he died recently. Smokey was at the time my in-laws handyman. Small world.
The old John Hunter Cabin which I have shown pictures of many times on facebook and my blog was sitting on property sold to someone who arranged for it to be demolished. It was the oldest standing dwelling in Union County. Charley stepped up and purchased it and paid to have each board and rock and bricks removed, numbered, and cataloged to later reassemble at a history museum that was being planned for the Choestoe District at an old school house. I haven't heard anything of that lately.
Charley used to call me two or three times a week.
A few years ago we were in Union County and in the back country, looking for old cemeteries we rode by the street I remember Charley lived on, Hunter Circle. We pulled onto the graveled street. There was only one house on it. It had to be Charley's house.
He came to the door. We woke him up, he was taking a nap. He invited us in and we sat down and talked a while about the area, his immediate family and so on.
After a while I felt he was just putting up with us so I told him we had to go.
He saw us out to the front porch and as I was taking this picture, he said, "I hate to ask you this, but who are you?"
Charley will be 91 this coming October.