For a few years when asked if I ever read anything by Wally Lamb I would say I have read both of his books, SHE’S COME UNDONE and I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE.
Then a few weeks ago someone returned our SHE'S COME UNDONE book. I could not think of a single item in the book to ask the person how she liked that part.
Did I read it?
I know one time I claimed SHE'S COME UNDONE was a great book. How could I claim it was so great if I couldn’t remember any incident or scene in it – or who it was about?
I thought I would pick it up and read the first couple of pages which would kick off my memory and the whole darn book would unfold inside my mind. I read the first few pages and it was like I was reading the book for the first time.
I don’t know what happened to my mind to make me forget it – but I do remember claiming it was a great book, so I just finish reading it again to see what I thought was so great about it.
It is pretty good. It is about a female from childhood through thirty so years of abusive men in one form of another. It was pretty good.
As I read through it some of the incidents I remembered vaguely in the back of my mind – I know one thing I was amazed at was that the book was written in first person of a female’s point of view, which if I didn’t know Wally Lamb wrote the book someone would have a hard time convincing me the book was not written by a woman.
It has a reoccurring theme of whales in one form or another… like the novel Moby Dick, beached whales, singing whales, and so on.
The writing of personalities pin-pointed some frame-of-minds that I have known through the years.
I think Wally Lamb is an excellent writer who knows how to put his mind in his own “Wally’s World” that he takes on the mind-set of his characters. I just wish he would be more productive - utilize his God-given talent more.
Or on second thought, maybe you can't quality and quantity... I am a living proof of that theory.
It is a good read.
I read it, liked it a lot, and can't remember any of it now.
Wally has a new book out.
He does have a new book out! After I read your comment I googled him and sure 'nuff, he has a new book published this month named THE HOUR I FIRST BELIEVED.
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