Ginger Rogers was born on this day. So was Desmond Dekker a Jamaican Reggae singer - they are both dead now.
Happy Birthday to those who are still living who were born on this day and I hope each and every one of you acquire a fortune in material wealth is the very near future.

Happy Birthday Eddie!
Thank you!
Rocky emailed me this morning wishing me a Happy Birthday and said he hopes it is a good one.
I replied that it has already proved to be a good one - I woke up.
I'm glad you woke up or you would have miss your birthday. Hope you have many moore. Happy birthday!
I wouldn't want to miss today. Today we are having lunch at Pig & Chick BBQ in Sandy Springs, just south of the river (we read some good things about it).
From one old geezer to another old geezer...happy birthday, Ed.
Hope you and Ginger do a twirl on the dance floor. (You know what, I'd probably pay to see that.)
Happy Birthday again, Eddie!
I think in Ginger's present state it would be entertaining, I would get to lead... or drag.
Thanks again.
A belated Happy Birthday Eddie -
Thanks! I just can't help tooting my own horn at birthday time.
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