Thursday, March 06, 2025

 In high school my friend Paul (who is red headed) used to walk up to a female classmate with his hands stretched out and fingers making massaging motions saying to classmate Janet, who was also redheaded, “Red on the head like the head of Janet’s tixxies”.  As I remember, Janet politely ignored him.  Remember that for a moment.

A nephew died last week.  He was a minister...He preached all over the south, missionary in Ireland, and guest preached many places.  He had a following and reputation to be proud of.

He was a good mechanic.  When he worked for one church, the church also had classes for the youth, so required school buses.  As a part time job our nephew kept their busses running.

And he also was our mechanic when we needed one.  He used the churches' truck bay to work on our Pacer or what ever we had at the time.

His funeral was held at the church he worked and assisted preaching those many years ago.

When we pulled into the Church's parking lot  I immediately remember one time when I was there talking  to him about what our car needed the church's secretary brought a telephone message  to my nephew, the secretary was red headed Janet.

 instantly recognized her.  I forgot if she remembered me or not or maybe she politely ignored me.

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