Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Free Cigarettes


This is the back of the Old Courthouse.  The building behind was the Old Sheriff’s Office.  Both buildings have been replaced.

Next door to the Sheriff’s building, you cannot see, is the Jail House.  A.K.A. Calaboose.  It has been replaced too. 

I am not sure but I think the upper part of the Sheriff’s office was a holding section, or jail, for county detainees. 

And I think calaboose was for City of Marietta guests (detainees).  The Calaboose was made of granite rock and the barred windows high, beyond reach.

As preteens we used to take short cuts to get to the Strand Theater by walking by the Calaboose.  It is according to when we walked by but many times there were  women outside and below the barred windows hollowing for their boyfriends or husbands.

Interesting many of the women outside the barred windows would throw cigarette boxes.  The cigarette boxes were free sample boxes.  I think a cigarette pack of 20 was too big to go between he bars.  But the sample boxes of 2 or 4 could be lobbed right in.  Where there is a will there is a way.

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