Monday, December 30, 2024

Urinating Records

UNCLE JOHN’S PAGE A DAY CALENDER, Monday, September 17, 2018 page that Professor David Hu of Georgia Tech sent his students to the Atlanta Zoo doing research. Each of them was to time animals pissing. You know, urinating. And another bunch of students was to search on Youtube for animals taking a leak. Their assignment was to time how long each animal took relieving itself. Guess what? Every animal at the Atlanta Zoo and Youtube took exactly 21 seconds.. The professor’s group also studied the size of animals urethra. What they found that no matter how big or how small the animal, each of their urethras was always l20 times longer than the diameter.
What does it all mean? The physicals laws of life comes as standard equlpment.
But it also got me wondering again about my grammar school classmate Archie Richardson. In the boys bathroom at Waterman Street School Archie could arch his back, hold his penis in an upward position and urinate always to where the ceiling and the wall met. I wonder if that was 21 seconds?

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