It was about this time about 30 years ago that I decided to roof our house myself. Then we were quoted about $1500. After I thought about it, I decided $1500 was $1500.
What I didn’t think about was my fingers. I had to bear down on a cutting knife to cut each tab. That just about destroyed my nerves on the tips of my fingers. They still go numb and tingle often.
A couple of times when I was roofing early in the morning there was morning frost, which I slipped, fell, and slid down the roof angle and at the time I was grabbing and scratching for something to hold on to… which, luckily enough I caught before plunging off the roof.
And there was also the time in the middle of the night I heard thundering and rain and remembered I forgot to put a tarp over the area I had earlier cut the tabs. I climbed up in the pouring rain, thundering, and lightening with a flashlight in one hand and dragging a tarp in the other to cover the unprotected area.
We had our next roof about 12 years later when we had a den added.
And now it is probably time for another one. I know one person who won’t be putting it on: Me.
I think not!! We don't want to lose you.
If I fell you wouldn't lose me. In fact, I wouldn't even be hard to find.
I need to repair a small place on one of my lower and less steep roofy places. Need to keep this in mind. And keep my wife from seeing this.
I do that a lot... keep my wife from seeing things.
Smart Man!! Sometimes it is better to pay than to try and do it yourself!
They say you get a little smarter for every mistake you make - so in that case, I have been working on my masters for a degree in Street Smarts for 67 years now and might graduate soon.
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