I am still combing through the Foster pictures. These are still of Anna great grandparents Charles Brooks and Ardella Vinson Foster and their off-spring.
They are both formal family portraits.
The youngest person in the top picture is Anna’s grandfather who was born in 1895, In the picture he looks about age 10, thus I guess-a-mate that the picture was made about 1905.
The bottom picture has a mother with a baby. The mother, Sophie Lackie (1886-1965) is standing next to her husband Edgar Bell Foster (1884-1932). Sophie is holding her only son Charles Loy Foster (Jul 1909-1964).
Based on the dates I have on Charles Loy, I guess-a-mate the second picture was made about 1909 or early 1910.
In the top photo, the guy on the right could be a cousin of mine, although he's not that old...LOL
In the bottom photo, the guy on the right has the most appalling hairdo!!
But, I really do love seeing old photos and I didn't mean to make fun.
His hair part looks like if each side could flap he could fly.
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