Before Anderson Motor Company was on Roswell Street it was here, on the first block of Powder Springs Street from the Square.
The owner James T. Anderson was a sincere humble man who didn’t mind doing some dirty greasy work. If you dealt with Anderson Motors much you probably would see James in work coveralls with the Chevrolet emblem more than you would see him in a shirt and tie.
I don't know when Chief Williams was chief of the Marietta Police Force. I know it was before my father, who was chief in the late 40s and early 50s.
Noticed up the side of the building you see two levels. The bottom level would be in the future Atherton Drugstore. Atherton Drug Store had a gas leak and blew up killing and injuring a number of people Halloween night in 1964. Because of the explosion the second level is no longer there.
My father bought our first family car, a Chevrolet, at Anderson’s.
It did not have a radio. I don’t think Daddy ever had a car with a radio. To him, it was an unnecessary expense, a distraction, and pretentious.
Anderson Chevrolet has ran its course. With Marietta and Atlanta just minutes away with the new expressways dozens of Chevrolet dealers materialized and the small town car dealerships could not compete with the fast talking dealers making fools of themselves in TV commercials. Or, that is what I think, anyway.
Now, some of the big dealerships are crumbling. Bill Heard Chevrolet for instance – but I think that might had something to do with “creative financing” with GMA Finance Company holding the bag… or not holding the bag.