Friday, February 20, 2009

Orbiting Around & Around - the First

On this day in history in 1962 John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth. Later John became a U.S. senator representing Ohio. And later he became the oldest person to go into space…. Which I think he still holds that record.

The first nation to have a man-made satellite to orbit around the Earth (in 1957) was Russian with their little basketball looking thing they called Sputnik.

Well, ♫La Te Da♪.


Si's blog said...

Graduated from the Naval Academy in '58. Remember all of that. It did give us a lot of benefits. Maybe not our money's worth.

But in a series of lost wars, we did win the Cold War!

Eddie said...

That is like saying "we were more snooty."

Si's blog said...

We did something we could not do today. We had a more stable and productive economy that they could not keep up with. Including the Space Race.