Thursday, May 18, 2006

Speaking of Car Props...

This is my great uncle Will. It looks like he was into sitting in a car prop and having is picture professionally taken.

Knowing his personal history, I am surprised he parted with the money.


kenju said...

You're too much! Was he a skinflint?

"Deception Point" was good too; I've read all three.

Eddie said...

Yep, Uncle Will's picture is in the dictionary when you look up Skinflint. I think my next picture blog will be about him also and some samples of how tight he was.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a distinguished gentleman!

Eddie said...

He was a farmer, not saying you can't be a distinguished gentleman and a farmer, but I interviewed him in his later years and he remembered his mule but couldn't remember his wife, daughter, and son.

Anonymous said...

Too funny, Ed... could this be true?

Eddie said...

True. See next posting.