Thursday, March 27, 2008

Isle of Hope - Savannah postcard

I think Paula Dean probably lives in the area of the Isle of Hope.

I wonder if there is an "Isle of Despair" in the area?


Anonymous said...

group of kids just left our school today headed for savannah! i wished i was going with them!

Eddie said...

But if you went who would feed your pig?

Which reminds me of a country song sung by somebody with gray hair, I just forgot exactly who, named "Who's Gonna Feed My Hogs?"

Suzanne said...

I think the Isle of Despair is a bit further north. Like in my apartment. Just kidding...

Eddie said...

I know you are kidding - you are not the despair kind of person.

Anonymous said...

piggie would go with me! he goes with me any time i travel somewhere!

Eddie said...


Even to the market?

He doesn't stay home and say "Wee wee"?