Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Liberty, Old, Cemetery, Union Co, Ga
This is the Old Liberty Cemetery of Union County. The New Liberty Cemetery was on this blog last week. In this area I have family ties to the Englands, Collins, Lance, Duckworths, Nixes, and Southers. The ones that are below that do not have those surenames are below because they look unique for one reason or another or maybe the markers are just shiny, and I am attracted to shiny objects, kind of like catfish.
Elizabeth Collins
Emaline Collins
Ivan Collins' CSA marker
Ivan Carr Collins
Connie Dale
Ronnie Dale
Rev Beford Duckworth & Bonnie Mae
Jimmie & Mae England
John W. and Pauline England
Mary Elizabeth England
Calvin Holbrooks
Homer Lance
Catherine Nix
John W. Nix
Roy Nix & Rosie Idell
William Rathbone
Myrtle Souther Hunter
Willard Souther
Genealogy Hunter,
North Ga