From my viewpoint, looking through my usual tunnel-vision, the following people left us in 2011:
Ron Bennett - Anna's ex-coworker.
Carl Poss - neighobr and family friend.
Dave Dixon - friend and ex-coworker.
Elazabeth Rae Poore Johnson - Hunter relative.
Frances Price - Near relative and family friend.
Betty Henderson Disharoom - teenage friend.
Mike Hobby - Childhood friend.
Ruth Ivey - Anna's friend.
Jack Meaders - Teenage friend.
Jeannette Westmoreland - Relative of Hunter relatives.
Jerry McBee - Friend.
James Kendrick, son of friend Jack and Ann Kendrick.
James Malcomb - Father-in-law of Petty relative; and ex-coworker and friend.
Mytrle Priest - Mother of Bill Rampley.
Lynn Orr - son's teacher and childhood friend.
Shirley Prance - Sister-in-Law.
Barbara Clarke Robinson - sister's ex-coworker and mother of friend Robbie Robinson
Jim Scoggins - Nextdoor neighobr.
Alberta Shouse Kinney. Grammar scool teacher.
Michelle Canada Southern - friend's daughter-in-law.
Helen Steele Fowler - childhood friend.
W.G. Sterling - Friend's father.
I hated to hear of all of their passing. I'm sure I left out some.