Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Thar She Blows!
A few years ago we went to Blowing Rock, North Carolina, and
above is the blowing rock itself. I stood
at it and sure 'nuff it blows. Or
it seems to blow by the wind coming upward from its front. Standing at Blowing Rock and studying the
scenery in front of me I think I have it figured out: The rock is on top of a horseshoe shape
ridge. The winds pour in and, runs into
the ridge-wall and cannot go anyplace but up.
The wind is sort of funneled to that point, which the rock is waiting up
on top of the ridge and that's that.
It reminds me of when I was stationed at Lakehurst, New
Jersey, at a huge hangar that I think was originally built for giant helium
zeppelins. At one end of the hangar when the giant doors
were opened facing a big flat runway, and you open the little regular size door
at the opposite end the incoming wind could actually knock you down making its
way outside. We sometimes had a little
fun with that, and would jump up in the air and let the wind push up three or
four feet in the air. It was something
like "air surfing".
Blowing Rock also reminded me of nearby Allatoona Damn. One time my friend Sam and I went to the top
of the damn. Then, Sam was a Georgia
Tech student studying aerodynamics.
From what he had learned at tech he believed he could throw a folded
paper airplane off the top of the damn and the up shaft of the wind coming
up front of the damn from the Etowah
Valley would lift the paper plane up, up, and away.
We carried paper to fold airplanes. It worked!
One of the planes went high up in the sky, then it would fall until the
upward wind caught it and it back up to high heights. It kept on doing it. We got tired of watching it and left.
It may still be in the same cycle, up, then down, until the
wind sends it back up. It might be doing
this for eternity. Just like in the
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Pictures of the 2009 Bell Reunion in Marietta
I posted my pictures of the 2009 Bell Gang Reunion to Flickr. If you are
interested click on below:
NOTE! After you cllick on the above the Flickr website instructs you to click on something else. Do it to see the pictures.
interested click on below:
NOTE! After you cllick on the above the Flickr website instructs you to click on something else. Do it to see the pictures.
Monday, February 25, 2013
MONTFORD - continued, the video
This was taken the night of the Monford Black Marines Bootcamp talk on last Friday's post:
Sunday, February 24, 2013
SUNDAY FUNNIES!! Frontline Combat Tin Can!
click on images to enlarge them to be able to read them and for them to make sense.
The comicbook art was by Harvey Kurtzman and Jack Davis did the art for the story TIN CAN! Kurtzman, being editor of the comicbook probably wrote the story, which he was known for writing all the stories in the two war titles and MAD comicbook. Kurtzman did not glorifiy war that G.I. JOE and others did. As in this story, he showed the good and innocent don't always win.
Speaking of Harvey Kurtzman there is an upcoming exhibit at the Museum of American Illustration on his works of his babies he created, such as the EC War Comics, MAD, TRUMP, HUMBUG, HELP, ANNIE FANNY, and others in New York on March the 8th, 2913 (next month) For more information on him and his creations, click below:
EC Comics,
Harvey Kurtzman,
Jack Davis,
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Larry Miller
This has been posted many times. Everyday when I had a new post this one slides down more out of view. When it slides off the page it is time to repost. Hi!
Have you ever faced a life-threatening illness for which there is no treatment or cure?
Have you ever become overwhelmed by the costs of your illness?
Have you ever had to rely on your family and friends to make a life-saving difference on your behalf?
Larry faced these conditions all at once. Larry was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, Emphysema, and Pulmonary Hypertension. There are no treatments for these diseases and there was no hope for him without a lung transplant.
Larry was evaluated and approved for a bi-lateral lung transplant at Emory University Hospital in April.
On May 14th Larry received the call from Emory saying they had lungs for him. His transplant was performed on the 15th with excellent results. Due to the generosity of the donor’s family, he received a very healthy set of young lungs (to use the surgeon’s words). Larry is recovering exceedingly well and was released to go home on the 31st of May. He is gaining strength each day by following his drug regimen very carefully and by following a vigorous program of Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
His recovery is great news, but with it comes enormous annual costs for post-transplant treatments and medications. I have known Larry and been his friend since the 5th grade (1953) so I offered to head up his fundraising committee. We are working to help Larry raise money to cover some of these costs. Fortunately, Larry qualified for a matched account in the Georgia Transplant Foundation’s (GTF) Fundraising Program, GTF will match every dollar we raise up to a maximum of $10,000, and then they will hold the money and administer the distribution for Larry’s medication expenses.
We need Your Support to reach the $10,000 Goal! Please consider making a donation to help us raise the funds Larry will need to buy post-transplant medications which will support the maintenance of his transplant.
How to Donate:
Checks/money orders should be made payable to Georgia Transplant Foundation with Larry’s name in the memo section of your check. Please mail checks/money orders to Georgia Transplant Foundation, Attention: Transplant Fundraising Program, 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 107-A, Atlanta GA 30350. An envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Thank you for supporting this life-saving campaign.
The Georgia Transplant Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides financial, educational, and emotional assistance to Georgia’s transplant community, is assisting us in our fundraising efforts. If you have questions or want further verification, please see the Georgia Transplant Foundation website at or email
If you have already made a donation, please accept our thanks.
Paul Roper
Committee Chairman
Friday, February 22, 2013
Pride At Montford Point

Last night we went to the Marietta Museum of History to hear a
discussion of the first black Marines who got their start at the boot camp at
Montford Point, North Carolina. They are getting up in age now, and I think
they have a story to share. Being black,
was, well, frowned upon. Why I do not
know. . Tch tch.
Then, to add insult to injury, the Marines up until 1942, was a whiteman's club. When
the black men first entered the corps, their white peers sneered and threatened
them, plus the local towns people in North Carolina hated them as well.. But they wanted to serve their country as an
American citizen, even though they were not allowed the freedoms white people
enjoyed. I think that was noble.
Two very good speakers with great wit and wisdom gave outstanding lectures
on what it was like for them back then.
They each wore the Medal of Honor.
Amy, Christa, and Jan were excellent hostesses, as usual.
The peach cobbler furnished by Al's Barbecue on Powder
Springs Street was good too.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Why I Don't Forward Forwarding Things

I received this the other day. It was forwarded to me, of course. Normally, I delete forwarding email without even looking at it because chances are it might very possibly have a virus with it. So, I don't want it and I don't want my friends to get the virus either.
This forwarding says what I have been trying to say:
Any time you see an
email that says "forward this on to 10 (or more) of your friends",
"Sign this petition", or "you'll get bad luck" or "you'll get good luck" or "
you'll see something funny on your screen after you send it" or whatever
--- it almost always has an email tracker program attached that tracks the
cookies and emails of those folks you forward to. The host sender is getting a copy each time
it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of 'active' email addresses to
use in SPAM emails or sell to other spammers.
Even when you get emails that demand you send the email or if you're not
ashamed of God/Jesus - that is email tracking, and they are playing on our
conscience. These people don't care how
they get your email addresses - just as long as they get them.
If you forward email like this you and your friends will be getting of lot
of junk email and very possibly a virus attached. This process is helping the Spammers get
rich! Lets not make it easy for
Do you and your friends and favor and don't forward emails of this type that plays on your good
heart of sharing.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Click on the above to enlarge.
Reggie Andrews was a star baseball player of the Georgia Bulldogs, 1953-55. He played the summer of 1955 in the Pittsburgh farm system before joining the Air Force. Above is
Reggie's SEC Baseball Legends card, front and back. He was inducted into the Macon, GA Sports Hall of Fame in April 2006.
When Anna first joined the AFPRO/LOCKHEED Contracts office in
Marietta, Reggie was Chief of Contracts. The few times I have met him, his eyes seemed to glitter with warmth
and sincerity, a kind, witty smile on his face.
The above card said he has been an ordained minister for the
past 16 years. I bet his warm smile does him well in that field. Yesterday Reggie joined a group of AFPRO retirees for lunch. Anna said it was good to see him again!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Baptist Women With Big Balls
True Story: There is
a group of elderly widowed women that attend a certain Marietta Baptist church
every Sunday morning. They are mostly
unable to drive because of their ages, which range from the late 80s into the
90s. There is an additional lady, a
younger lady, probably in her 50s that cater to their needs. The younger lady drives them to church every
Evidently they attend the early preaching service. Usually, before the service is over they all
get up and leave at the same time. They
always sit on the back row, as to not disrupt the service, but I think that it
is probably disrupted some anyway, because some of the women use walkers. A walker has it own sound as it is snapped
opened and walked with.
Then, after they leave the church they go to McDonald's for
breakfast. I heard recently their
chauffer, the younger lady, brought homemade
biscuits for their breakfast and asked the person behind the counter to warm
them up and the person did.
Who said Baptist women had no balls?
I just had to share that, I thought it was a hoot.
Take My Wife, Please!

On this date, February 19, 1934, Bob Hope married Delores in Pennsyvania, who became his lifelong companion.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Americans' Love - Hate Relationships
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Again, Harvey Kurtzman, editor of MAD comicbook takes a classic poem, free because of the Public Domain law, and hacks it up. Art by Jack Davis. click on each image to be able to read the text and also it will make more sense.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Yep, Pi, as
in π.
We went to a
walk-in movie to see THE LIFE OF PI. We both read the book and knew the story line and
saw the clips advertising it so we felt it would be great on a big screen. It was.
we were waiting a sign came on the
screen to ask us to please recycle the glasses and put them in the box for that
as we left the theater. Like hell! We paid for them.
The movie
story line went along with the book, which we were pleased about, however, so
much deep mind-thoughts were in the book all of Pi's inner thoughts between him
and bright stars over him at night could not possibly be conveyed to the
If you want
to read what I said about the book:
Friday, February 15, 2013
Larry Miller
This has been posted many times. Everyday when I had a new post this one
slides down more out of view. When it slides off the page it is time to repost.
Have you ever faced a life-threatening illness for which there is no treatment or cure?
Have you ever become overwhelmed by the costs of your illness?
Have you ever had to rely on your family and friends to make a life-saving difference on your behalf?
Larry faced these conditions all at once. Larry was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, Emphysema, and Pulmonary Hypertension. There are no treatments for these diseases and there was no hope for him without a lung transplant.
Larry was evaluated and approved for a bi-lateral lung transplant at Emory University Hospital in April.
On May 14th Larry received the call from Emory saying they had lungs for him. His transplant was performed on the 15th with excellent results. Due to the generosity of the donor’s family, he received a very healthy set of young lungs (to use the surgeon’s words). Larry is recovering exceedingly well and was released to go home on the 31st of May. He is gaining strength each day by following his drug regimen very carefully and by following a vigorous program of Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
His recovery is great news, but with it comes enormous annual costs for post-transplant treatments and medications. I have known Larry and been his friend since the 5th grade (1953) so I offered to head up his fundraising committee. We are working to help Larry raise money to cover some of these costs. Fortunately, Larry qualified for a matched account in the Georgia Transplant Foundation’s (GTF) Fundraising Program, GTF will match every dollar we raise up to a maximum of $10,000, and then they will hold the money and administer the distribution for Larry’s medication expenses.
We need Your Support to reach the $10,000 Goal! Please consider making a donation to help us raise the funds Larry will need to buy post-transplant medications which will support the maintenance of his transplant.
How to Donate:
Checks/money orders should be made payable to Georgia Transplant Foundation with Larry’s name in the memo section of your check. Please mail checks/money orders to Georgia Transplant Foundation, Attention: Transplant Fundraising Program, 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 107-A, Atlanta GA 30350. An envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Thank you for supporting this life-saving campaign.
The Georgia Transplant Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides financial, educational, and emotional assistance to Georgia’s transplant community, is assisting us in our fundraising efforts. If you have questions or want further verification, please see the Georgia Transplant Foundation website at or email
If you have already made a donation, please accept our thanks.
Paul Roper
Committee Chairman
Have you ever faced a life-threatening illness for which there is no treatment or cure?
Have you ever become overwhelmed by the costs of your illness?
Have you ever had to rely on your family and friends to make a life-saving difference on your behalf?
Larry faced these conditions all at once. Larry was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, Emphysema, and Pulmonary Hypertension. There are no treatments for these diseases and there was no hope for him without a lung transplant.
Larry was evaluated and approved for a bi-lateral lung transplant at Emory University Hospital in April.
On May 14th Larry received the call from Emory saying they had lungs for him. His transplant was performed on the 15th with excellent results. Due to the generosity of the donor’s family, he received a very healthy set of young lungs (to use the surgeon’s words). Larry is recovering exceedingly well and was released to go home on the 31st of May. He is gaining strength each day by following his drug regimen very carefully and by following a vigorous program of Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
His recovery is great news, but with it comes enormous annual costs for post-transplant treatments and medications. I have known Larry and been his friend since the 5th grade (1953) so I offered to head up his fundraising committee. We are working to help Larry raise money to cover some of these costs. Fortunately, Larry qualified for a matched account in the Georgia Transplant Foundation’s (GTF) Fundraising Program, GTF will match every dollar we raise up to a maximum of $10,000, and then they will hold the money and administer the distribution for Larry’s medication expenses.
We need Your Support to reach the $10,000 Goal! Please consider making a donation to help us raise the funds Larry will need to buy post-transplant medications which will support the maintenance of his transplant.
How to Donate:
Checks/money orders should be made payable to Georgia Transplant Foundation with Larry’s name in the memo section of your check. Please mail checks/money orders to Georgia Transplant Foundation, Attention: Transplant Fundraising Program, 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 107-A, Atlanta GA 30350. An envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Thank you for supporting this life-saving campaign.
The Georgia Transplant Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides financial, educational, and emotional assistance to Georgia’s transplant community, is assisting us in our fundraising efforts. If you have questions or want further verification, please see the Georgia Transplant Foundation website at or email
If you have already made a donation, please accept our thanks.
Paul Roper
Committee Chairman
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
My Flickr Rides Again!
Remember the pictures I put on Flickr a few months ago. Then, I think there were near 2000 pictures. Since then I have been slowly adding and
sorting the pictures to the right topic.
There are now near 3000 pictures, all taken by me, except the ones I am in, or course.
I have been adding to
the pictures daily but had to take about 10 days off when my computer locked up
and crashed the week before. Now, I
think I am back on schedule, or as some may say, "back in my rut".
If you have any interest in Marietta, or the surrounding
area, or my genealogical names in graveyards, or my kinfolks, you might want to look at my
Flickr pictures. They are sorted into
sets. Each set represents a certain
subject or maybe a happening.
Here is the link:
I don't claim they are good eye-pleasing photographs, but I do think they are sortable..
I don't claim they are good eye-pleasing photographs, but I do think they are sortable..
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
UGA Postcard
Here is a postcard of the famous Arches metal artwork at UGA in Athens, Georgia. It is hard to see from the camera angle but it is almost on the sidewalk that separates the Town of Athens and the University of Georgia campus.
It is dated 1857 and the motto on it is "Justice, Widsdom, and Moderation".
Justice for all during slavery in 1857?
Monday, February 11, 2013
In the news I read that the seniors at Ola High School in
McDonough, Georgia, had a food fight, I suppose in the lunch room. That is where we had ours.
I only saw two food fights through my years in school. The first one was in second grade at Waterman
Street School. I don't remember what led up to the food fight but I do
remember the finale': Mickey Wilbur
pounced on me with a little tap of honey and rubbed it in my hair - We were not
having fun doing it, it was serious business.
Our teacher Mrs. Kinnebeck was horrified. So was I.
The honey was hard to wash out of my hair. Whatever I did to deserve that, I bet I
didn't do that again.
Our next food fight was in the Marietta High School
lunchroom. It was started by Jimmy Pat
Presley, of course, and ended as quickly as it started. We only threw rolls and beans at each
other. The lunch line wrapped around two
walls in the room, the friends in line closest to us jumped out of line, first
making sure their places would be saved, picked up some strayed rolls and
started throwing too. As social functions society articles tops off
the last sentence: "A good time was had by all."
But, guess what? We
were not arrested. It was all in fun and
was forgotten before the day was out, by
everyone but apparently me. Nine of the
students of the Ola High School in
McDonough were arrested and were thrown in jail.
I wonder what they were charged with? Inciting a riot? assault with a not so deadly weapon? Acts of terrorism?
Whatever it was, what if the judge decided to make an
example of them and throws the book at them?
Can you imagine locked up, when asked by their fellow jail mates what
they were in for and they tell them for throwing food and all the murderers, rapists, and the rest
crack up giggling?
I watched enough Law and Order shows on TV to know the
detectives will always come and visit when a similar crime is done . A detective might visit a previous
food-fight offender that has settled
down, retired, and enjoying his grandchildren and asked him where was he at
lunch time on a certain day the previous week at a high school miles away.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
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