Friday, December 08, 2006

Rhett & Scarlet

What a young debonair dashing couple! I wonder if this couple inspired Margaret Mitchell’s Scarlet O’Hara and Rhett Butler? Surely the handsome fellow was a high ranking officer in the C.S.A. and probably a spy too, not unlike a Civil War version of James Bond. And his lady companion, a lady for sure, who knows as any good Southern woman how to put up a good fight. They are such a lovely couple!


kenju said...

Eddie, I love that photo surround. That's art!

Her hat was odd looking; I wonder what era that was?

Eddie said...

Msybe Sears & Roebuck, 1974

Suzanne said...

If that is Anna, she is really beautiful. I don't think you've posted any pictures of her before.

Eddie said...

Yes, that is Anna and she has not been pictured on my blog before.
She is photo shy, so, I try to honor her wishes.
But, because it was our anniversary, I couldn't resist it.
And she got a kick out of it. After the fact, when she disvoered what I did, she emailed copies to friends and her co-workers.