Friday, February 21, 2025

Assassination Yard Sale

About a month after my Navy Active duty I Went o work for Sinclair Refining Company, their warehouse in Atlanta.  I worked in their warehouse about three years. 

One of my duties was to keep our Sinclair Salaried Station at the corner of Peachtree and 14th Streets well stocked in products.    I talked to the Don, the manager, daily, somedays more.   We got to know each other.  Daily we talked to each other on the phone about the station’s inventory. 

March 4th, 1968, Rev Martin Luther King was assassinated  in Memphis.

A couple days later all over the news was to be on the lookout for a white Mustang.  I forgot how they worded it but somehow they said the Mustang had something to do with the Dr King assassination.  It went on to say to not try to apprehend.  Call this number immediately:  An they gave he number. 

The next day Don called me and said he had the Mustang and what was the number they broadcasted.  If I remember correctly, somehow we found it and relayed it to Don.

As far as I know I was the last person to see Don.  He disappeared.

Don’s family’s lost their bead winner.  They had kids.   His wife had to go back to work.  His wife had to sell his possessions.

I bought from her Don’s    PV544 Volvo.

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