Friday, January 31, 2025
Navy - Devils in Bucks Counfy
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Daytona Beach Invaded
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Dining Car Scenery
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Show for the Inmates
Every time I take a load to the dump I see this brick building which is just a block down the street. It was the Adult Confinement. I don’t know what it is now. When I see this building I always remember back about 1976 when again carrying a load to the dump I saw a few bellsouth. Service trucks out front and 3 helmeted line people sitting on a guard rail taking a break. On second look I saw that one of the lineman was a line woman and she was exposing her chest to the inmates inside. The 2 linemen were laughing.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Rev John Henry Lance, Murdered & Punishment
Friday, January 24, 2025
Bus, Jerry, & Me
y uncle Robert Ray "Bus" Hunter (1906-2005). Bus could remember things in infinite details, quote poetry and lyrics without pausing searching his memory glands. I remember what he was saying when I took this picture of him at his arrival of his 98th birthday party. He told me to lose some weight. He was also a Dutch Uncle, so to speak. I think the reason he would say things to set me straight was his only son, Jerry, one month older than me, was a Citadel Graduate, pilot, and was lost his life being shot down in Vietnam. I think whenever he saw me he thought of Jerry.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Ancestor Wm A Trammell fought on Kings Mountain
My great-g-g-g-grandfather William A. Trammell and his brothers fought on Kings' Mountain, part of the Mountain Boys Brigade (whatever). One of William's arm was sliced off during hand to hand combat, however, he lived to be an old man. Because I do genealogy KING'S MOUNTAIN was required reading, sort of. My wife Anna had the meetr Sharyn McCrumb years ago at a book signing event at The Book Exchange in Marietta, Ga. William A.'s great grandson, also named William A. Trammell, fought in the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, near Marietta. He was shot in the knee and recuperated in a private residence nearby. I think it is interesting that both William Trammells were wounded in a time of war on Mountains that both were on that both mountains started with K. My great grandfather William Trammell later changed his name to William Hunter, but that is a long story why.
Descendants of William A. & Emaline Ray Hunter Part
1. Charles Jefferson Hunter (1865-1954).
2. Arminta Jane Hunter (1866-1955).
3. John Rafas Hunter (1870-1955).
4. William Jason Hunter (1875-1896)
5. Frank Paris Hunter (1879-1950)
6. Oscar Ray Hunter (1884-1963)
7. Arthur Riley Hunter (1884-1967
1. Charles Jefferson Hunter (3 Sept 1865 Macon Co., NC - 15 Feb 1954 Cherokee Co, Ga). Charley owned Hunter's Store. In the store was a small post office of the community of Kelp, which he was the postmaster. He also wrote a weekly local society/gossip column for a Canton newspaper. The name of the column was Hunter's Store.
Van Perberg, gone
Posted Jan 22, 2022
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Monday, January 20, 2025
We were lucky
Remember the Georgia Drive-In Theater? It was on what is now the campus of Kennesaw State College. Also in the picture is Clay Street Crossing the 4-lane, and probably a slice of Pine Forest Apartments, the Bowling Alley, and I’m not sure Hodge rothers Army Store was there yet or not.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Saturday, January 18, 2025
30060's, Small World
At the grocery store yesterday, while at the pharmacy counter
I heard back in the back one pharmacy clerk say to another pharmacy clerk a certain
name I recognized instantly. The name
was of a postal carrier I worked with years ago. It had to be him, it is a screwy last
name. Even tho we are facebok
fiends I haven’t seen this guy since
1999, before I retired.
Later I told Anna about hearing the name aand somehow in the
same conversation she brought up another person of my past that we see often at
Which reminded me of another interesting fact: That lady’s mother-in-law lives at a special
number on the road she lived in. It is
where 2 cariers’ routes meet. What ever
her number is is not the same the
carrier delivers to.
Her house is a turn around spot.
Small world, and being a native of the Postal Service you
worked in for 20 plus years makes it even smaller.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Mr Mack
Boyd McKeown. Or also known as "Mr. Mack" or "The Band Teacher" I think he was the Marietta High school Band Director my whole time at MHS. He taught his bands to do it right with music and marching. When they marched out on the field you felt a certain thrill or excitement. They pumped the spectators' adrenaline. It is ironic that now he wears a hearing aid. I run into him from time to time, he looks the same as I remember him in the late 1950s. He has brought up my blog Chicken-fat to me without me mentioning it. It took me by surprise because I am invisible to most people. I wasn't even a student of his. He has a keen mind.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
The Royal Brothers
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Free Cigarettes
This is the back of the Old Courthouse. The building behind was the Old Sheriff’s Office. Both buildings have been replaced.
Next door to the Sheriff’s building, you cannot see, is the
Jail House. A.K.A. Calaboose. It has been replaced too.
I am not sure but I think the upper part of the Sheriff’s
office was a holding section, or jail, for county detainees.
And I think calaboose was for City of Marietta guests (detainees). The Calaboose was made of granite rock and
the barred windows high, beyond reach.
As preteens we used to take short cuts to get to the Strand
Theater by walking by the Calaboose. It
is according to when we walked by but many times there were women outside and below the barred windows hollowing
for their boyfriends or husbands.
Interesting many of the women outside the barred windows
would throw cigarette boxes. The cigarette
boxes were free sample boxes. I think a cigarette
pack of 20 was too big to go between he bars.
But the sample boxes of 2 or 4 could be lobbed right in. Where there is a will there is a way.
Monday, January 13, 2025
I found this picture is Frances’ collection. I think this was taken on their property near
Cohutta, Ga. The guy on the left is Thomas
Jefferson “Tom” Petty, the oldest male
of my mother’s siblings. The guy on
the right is either the Leonard (the youngest brother) or Roy, the brother up
one notch.
Tom married Mary Jo Johns from nearby Calhoun, Georgia. They had no children. Tom was a cabinet maker. They mostly moved around near Dalton and
Chattanooga. Once they moved to
Marietta and joined the Baptist Church, near us on Manget Street. There we learned they were gospel singers. They moved back in just a year or two.
This is interesting: when the
family was young they moved to Gillette, Wyoming, to Homestead. That is where my mother Ethel America “Janie”
Petty was born. Living a pioneer life
was too hard on the family. They moved back East. The mother (Viola) took the females and
youngest males back on train. Tom, his brother
Wallace, and their father William Elijah and their belongings returned east in
their horse drawn wagon. That would
have been Quality Time!
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Claim to Fame in Hollywood
Today on TV seeing Hollywood on fire reminds me two times I visited
The first time was in 1967.
My Naval Reserve unit spent two weeks in Yuma, Arizona, at a Marine Base On Friday there was a plane or helicopter, I
forgot which, going to the LA area of California. The ride there was free but we had to find
our own rides back Sunday.
A bunch of us took advantage of the free ride. The Naval Air Base there was across the highway
from DISNEYLAND. As I hitchhiked there I
could here the music and clacking tracks of train ride tracks.
I finally got a ride to downtown Los Angeles. I got a room at a nice hotel. Then I went to a USO dance, which was
interesting. I felt out of place. Then I went to a bar, which was OK.
Finally I went back to the hotel.
I sat in the big lobby in a big cushiony chair and watched people
walk by.
Then my Chief walked by.
He glanced my way but kept on walking.
Good! He did not see
Then the chief backed up and looked in the window, saw me an
Well heck!
He asked if we could share a room and the epense for the
night. Sure.
He called an old Naval friend of his, who lived in Hollywood
Hills. He invited us to let him picked
us up the next morning (it was late).
Which he did. He was
an engineer for DISNEYLAND.
His wife a Asian.
Where my Chief and his friend talked of old times. His wife entertained me.
We had a good time.
She showed me interesting in the house and around their back yard..
Then two big dogs came galloping up. They were not mean, they just wanted petted.
Which we petted.. If
I remember correctly she pulled out some treats and fed them. She explained they were Steve McQueens’s dogs. Steve McQuen lived behind them, or they
lived him, whatever.
That is my claim to fame, I petted Steve McQueen’s big dogs.
The next day our friend took us to the bus stop and back to
Yuma Marine Base.
Saturday, January 04, 2025
The Carters in Plains in 1976
In November 1976, the weekend after Jimmy Cartee was elected
President Anna and I left our infant child Rocky with his grandparents and we
drove to Plains, Ga. To take
pictures. We did not see Jimmy but did
see his brother Billy and mother Mrs. Lillian.
The pictures were publishe in th book JIMMY CARTER IN
BY Robert Buccellato, pictures by Charles Plant and mee.
Here are the ones I took: