Horaces Armfield & the Mrs and Tony Hipps
At the Varner Reunion, Clarence Horton, a friend, was mingling and taking pictures like me. He told me I could use any of his pictures as I see fit. As I see fit? OK! The first thing to do as I see fit is to take full credit for these excellent pictures! I took these pictures! Me and only me! No, I am just jesting. These are the excellent pictures taken by Clarence Horton, that I lifted off Facebook. Plagiarism isn’t dead.
Thank you for sharing your great pictures Clarence.
I stabbed at the names. Some I knew and some I had to read enlarge the name tags and some was unreadable. Sorry.
I will try to get my pictures posted on this blog tomorrow.
Center Ken Chaney
3- Pat McPherson, Melvyn & Ray Denard
Emmett Burton
Mrs & Mrs Fred Williams
Jack Gaskin & Charlene P Benson
Christine & Joe Jenkins
Rick & Kitty Kendrick, Marvin Young, & David Cain
Lee Broadhust & Neal Lawrence
Mickey Griffin, left
Center Monty Calhoun
Kay & Monty Calhoun and Stanely Bishop
Right - Dan Northcutt
Parks Groover
Janet & Pat McPherson
Rupert Raines
Peggy & Stanley Bishop
Tommy & Pat Townsend
John Mosely, Parks Groover, & James Kirk
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