Saturday, July 08, 2023

What Music?

Years ago Facebook Post: Yesterday I was on my late in-laws property when suddenly I was attacked by a well organized pack of aggressive bees. They stung me on my cheek and the back of my neck. One was landed on my glasses and was trying to crawl around to the meat and I jerked my glasses off. I did a lot of swatting and dancing. Then I wised up and ran. A few of them were in close pursuit. . Finally, they gave up and faded away. Then panting I realized I left my glasses on the ground and one work glove. So, I returned to get my stuff and I heard buzzing up near my ears and thought I felt one bee land on my cap. Again I went into my dance of hopping and swatting, and this time slapping my cap on my hips. The second time I did not get stung. The house is in a hilly area. There is a road in sight below them and houses on a hill above them. If anybody from a distance saw me they might have asked, “What kind of weird dance is that old man doing? And where’s his radio?”

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