Monday, July 27, 2020


We watched an old-fashion Mickeky Spillane- style detective murder and other crimes on HBO last night.  MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN.  It starred Edward Norton, who also directed it.  It was written by Jonathan Lethem, and took place in New York City in 1957.

It also starred Bruce Willis, Michael K. Williams, Alec Baldwin, William DaFoe, and others I didn’t know by name.

Ed Norton was an investigator with Tourette Syndrome.  I knew a person in the Atlanta Post Office with Tourette Syndrome.  It seemed at any time a word association would triggered his mind and he would loudly start yapping.  And that is what Edward Norton did, which made conversations interesting, but  it seemed to bother no one, New Yorkers have seen everything.

It was a good movie I thought.

It also reminded me of certain rich ruthless  poweful  New Yorkers that was mentioned in Mary Trump’s book.  The book was written in 1999 so I don’t know if that was intended or not.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Garmin Is Being Held Up

A year or ago I bought a Garmin Watch.   When I walked, run, bike, or swim it recorded the stats of distance, speed, heart rate and laid them out on an app with pretty color bars, and so on.  You could compare different days on how you did.  It was a nice play toy.

Last Thursday after I walked I went to the app and logged on to see how good I did.  No information -just big red letters saying they were doing maintenance, keep trying.  Well, I have kept trying to log on for 4 days now and the same message.
And I finally decided to go to Garmin’s website.   It had an article to read.  It said Garmin has been hacked by ransomware.   That pisses me off.  Thieves!  Trying to get money the old fashion way.
I miss the colorful graft bars that we paid well for.
Back to Exel. 

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! John Severin, MAD veteran artist making his way elsewhere

The late John Severin was one of the 4 original MAD artists.  He was also a great war cartoon artist.  Then Suddenly there was no more John Severin in EC publications.  I never figured how why, his art was good.  He must have had bad breath or something.

Click on image to make it bigger and hopefully understandable. 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Pettys Near Cohutta

The Pettys at the home near Cohutta, Murray County, Ga., they called the Red Hills, c 1937.
Left to Right.
First Row: Osmo Petty (1915-1978), Opal Petty (1913-1992) , Thelma Cox Petty (1908-1994) (wife of Wallace), Wallace Petty (1910-2007), and Sarah Petty (1927-1999) (will become wife of Bill McLemore).
Second Row: Cecil Grant (1901-1958), Georgette Petty Grant 1906-1966), Walt Ridley (1888-1954) (Grandma's brother), Janie Petty Hunter (1918-1996) (Mama and wife of Ed Hunter), Viola Ridley Petty (1885-1968) (Grandma), Mary Jo Johns Petty (1913-2000) (wife of Tom) and Tom Petty (1908-1979).
Behind Walt: Probably Roy Petty (1921-2000). But where is Leonard Petty (1924-2001)? If that is Leonard, where is Roy? Maybe the missing one is taking the picture. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Marina City & Me


This is me, about 1965 looking at the model apartment at Marina City in Chicago for no apparent reason. Of course I had no intentions of renting or leasing an apartment I found out what I wanted to know: The apartments are shaped liked pie slices. I bet the agent was delightfully happy that I was wasting her time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

My Old Stomping Grounds, Clay Homes

The first Seven years of my life I spent in the Clay Homes Low Rental Projects.  Well, time has moved on, the Clay Homes has been bulldozed away and Yuppies enjoy the Gentrification of downtown living. 

Clay Homes c1944.  Ed Hunter (Daddy) holding me with sister Frances in tow.

Mama (Janie) Petty Hunter and me, Clay Homes in back ground.

Our apartment took up the space of the building dead ahead at the corner of Wayland and Waddell Streets.  Across the street was Pete Steele's store.

Where Steele's Store was

This is the latest Home of the Marietta Daily Journal.  The same building was The Marietta Health Department.  On the left side there was a shady ditch adjacent to the building.  It was my secret hiding place when I wanted to be alone.

Behind Steeles Store, Marietta Health Department, the G.I. School for WWII returning veterans tro teach a trade,   and the Scoggins House is now a parking lot.  On the edge is the latest home of Brumby Rocker and the old Gray Hound Bus Station including the hangar shape garage.

I got hit by a care when riding, or coasting on my tricycle  down this drive and was knocked out.  Guess what?  I survived.  The 3 buildings up the hill, in my time left to right:  Sears and Roebuck, Marietta Provision, and Western Auto. I used to love to smell the rubber tires behind Western Autto.

This is Green Street, going up the hill until and runs into Waterman Street.  The cement steps climbing up the hill on the other side went to the bulldozed away Waterman Street Grammar School, which my Daddy and my uncles went to.  Me too!

Monday, July 20, 2020

We watched ALEXANDER HAMILTON again. This time we watched it with the closed caption option on. Of course it is ment for the hearing impaired and people who does not know the actual language being used, we could have selected English, French, Spanish, and who knows? If Red-Neck was an option I would probably select that.

Not only did it tell us what the words being spoken was, but other sounds. Example (Marching Drums). (Applause) (Laughter), (Whistling) and so on.

I was thinking of human sound effects I have heard in live theater or movies, such as (two different nursing homes on 4 different rows with the hard of hearing ladies hollering at each other), (Woman: How Dare You?” followed by a slap), (radio on), (people talking on cell phones), (candy wrappers tearing), (Hissing), (a fart followed by “Who farted? Followed by giggling), (whispering), (kiss smacking), (name calling), (screaming), and last but not least (someone saying a complete sentence in a long burp sound).

Saturday, July 18, 2020

John Lewis, RIP

John Lewis is dead.  He is an icon for civil rights.  He is American hero.

When I think of John Lewis I cannot help but thinking of the first time I saw him in person.  Here it is copied and pasted that I just my pen pall who doesn't have facebook.

I remember back when Rocky was in high school  the band, I think it was had a banquet in Atlanta..  We went with him - it was for their parents too. The banquet was held in a nice hotel.  I don't remember the reason but for some, probably immature reason, Rocky and I decided to ride the elevators.  We went up to the top and rode back down.  On the way back down the elevator stopped at  one of the top floors, the door slid opened and in stepped John Lewis and his entourage.  He gave us a smile and a nod and continue to talk to his group..  At maybe the 3rd floor John Lewis and his group got off.  The door close and we hit the button for the next floor down.  The next floor down the elvator stopped and we got off running.  We ran down the hall, and up the stairs or elevator, I forgot which, and back in the corridor where John Lewis and his group were walking towards us.  We all gave polite nods and continued walking.    I bet John Lewis and other dignitaries get that a lot:  Pass somebody in the hall that they just left in the elevator. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


It asked me what is on my mind? Toupees, that's what. Back in my 30s I wore a toupee. What got me thinking about my toupee was doing on some on-line genealogy research I came across some information about a distant cousin in-law being scalped by Indians. It made me think what if it was socially acceptable to scalp someone these days and if a gang of thugs on the street corner held me down to scalp me and I simply pulled off my wig and just hand it to them, would that me OK? Here is the actual bit I read that got me thinking.

Children of William and Anna Caldwell Hunter.
1. Andrew Hunter (abt 1770-1848). Andrew married Lydia Burchfield (24 Jul 1763-19 Nov 1846). Andrew lived about 78 years and Lydia 83.
Lydia was descended from the Burchfield family that settled in Cades Cove.
Lydia was scalped by Indians. Survived, grew to womanhood and married Andrew.


I took this picture in the backyard if my late in-laws Marie and Paul Prance of Kennesaw, Ga.
click to make bigger and more graceful.

Pennies in America

A pen pal told me Krogers in Texas no longer deals in change.  They don’t accept or hand out coins.  They issue some kind of debit card for the change.

That reminds me of an incident at the Post Office years ago.

POSTAL and AMERICA story.  When a carrier returns from his/her route they check in with the accountable clerk.  Any money transactions, such as C.O.D.,s postage dues, stamps sold, etc, are turned in to the clerk. 

The clerk Robert told me this:

A carrier was checking in the money he had collected and he dropped a couple of pennies.  He bent over and picked up the coins.  He had an accent.

The carrier behind him, also with an accent scolded him saying, “Don’t pick up those pennies, this is America!  We no longer have to pick up pennies!”

Well, somebody does!  Someone  might slip and fall!

Besides, one of the Founding Fathers of America, Benjamin Franklin had some wise quotable saying about pennies., like “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

Wait did they even have pennies back then?

I still pick up pennies when I drop them, even if it does hurt my bones when I bend over.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Underground Cartoonist Skip Williamson (1944-2017)

Skip’s picture at Atlanta’s DragonCon in the late 1990s that I just came across.

Skip Williamson (1944-2017).   Skip was an underground cartoonist.  In the mid 1990s I heard he and his family (Harriet and their twin daughters) moved to Marietta.  I knew of Skip’s art in various cartoon work in underground comix and HELP magazine.  He bought a house from my one-time postal Supervisor Stan.  Stan did bodywork part time and rigged up his garage with ideal lighting for painting cars, which also was ideal lighting for drawing underground comix.

For the heck of it, what do I have to lose? I called Skip and welcomed him to Marietta and we invited me over for a beer.  That beer grew intro many more with many more visits.  We had the same MAD heroes and he did a lot of cartoons for Harvey Kurtzman’s HELP Magazine.

Looking up a his living dates   I read he was called a “rambunctious cartoonist”.  He was.  He was also a rambunctious friend.  His last art work that I know of was painting on nude women at a club of Ponce de Leon in Atlanta.

They moved again and we lost touch.  I hated to read that he died.

Below, a Skip cartoon in HELP Magazine.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Remember SMILING JACK in the funny papers?  If so, I bet you read the local obituaries  every day to see who you grew up with died.  

Story by editor Harvey Kurtzman.  Art by Wallace Wood

Of course, click on every page to enlarge it to make it readable.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Rights Smights

I have Freedom of the Press but they do not Read.
I have Freedom of Speech but they do not listen.
I have the Right to own Firearms but they Duck.5



Go West Young Pettys!

GO WEST YOUNG PETTYS! John Franklin and Adeline Woody Petty. John is the son of Elijah Petty and Sarah Parker. Adeline is the daughter of Conrad Raburn and Elizabeth Hunt Woody. Adeline was born in Fannin Counry, Georgia, 1859 and John was born in the same county in 1856.
They were married 1881 in Fannin County. They had ten children.
Here is the only note I have about John:
John received the bulk of his father's estate.
In the book "PROGESSIVE MEN OF WYOMING" They moved to Sand Creek, Laromie County, Wyoming in 1887. Later owning a farm on the Wheatland Flats.
- Gary Griswold
Here is a far fetched thought: John Petty is the brother Daniel Webster Petty. Daniel Webster Petty is the father of William Elijah Joseph Petty (my mother's father). William Elijah Joseph was also born in Fannin County. William Elijah Joseph Petty moved his family to Gillette, Wyoming for a few years. I wonder if Wm Elijah Joseph was aware his uncle John lived in the same state? And if so, is that why he moved there?

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Andy and Nannie Pannell Morris

Andy and Nannie Pannell Morris. Nannie is sister to Mary Jane Pannell Prance. It looks like Andy lost or having  a leg problem.  Nannie real name was Nancy Elizabeth Pannel (1839-1922)  Andy and Nannie kind of rhymes don't they?

Nannie is the sister of Mary Jane Pannell, that married James Marion Prance.

Nancy's first husband was P.J. Trout (1836-1867).  

Being that Andy was one-legged and P.J. Trout died at age 31, two years after the Civil War ended I would speculate that both of Nancy's husband were probably Civil War casualties.  

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Disney on Trial

We signed up for the DISNEY Channel in order to see HAMILTON. Now, that we have seen it we want to get the most for our money so Anna and I sat down and made a list of Disney movies we would like to see. Of course we believe in doing things in order so tonight we watched STEAM BOAT WILLIE. STEAMBOAT WILLIE is MICKEY MOUSE’s first movie, and one of the first talkies. Not bad, for a movie older than me. But we think some kid about 4 or 5, about the same age of our grandson, would not appreciate it like we did. Like we are doubling getting our money’s worth.

Monday, July 06, 2020

Petty Brothers

Left to Right.  Tom, Wallace, Osmo, and Leonard.  This was probably taken in the early 1940s without  Roy because he was in the Army in WWII.

Wallace, Osmo, Leonard, Tom, Roy, and brother-in-law Ed Hunter
This was taken after 1944 (for reasoning see above).

Sunday, July 05, 2020


Al Jaffee is 99 years old.  He was MAD Magazine's longest and oldest artist until he retired about two weeks ago.  He was also one of the finding artists of HUMBUG and TRUMP satirical magazines.

click on image to make bigger.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

HAMILTON, The Disney Channel Movie

Last nigh we watched the movie/stage play/musical HALMILTON. It was great. I learned a lot of history, although I had to absorb and retain it all through hip-hop lyrics. The stage had no props and relied on hand-gestured symbolism. However the stage had a large round revolving portion probably about the size of a small Merry Go-Around.
It was fast paced and I think they assumed you, a member of the audience, knew the story of every fact they belted out, rhyming of course.
Doing family research I dabbled some in historical facts. I knew Aaron Burr killed Hamilton in a duel, across the Hudson in New Jersey, not from research but from a LAW & ORDER TV episode.. General Nathan Green was mentioned, I knew General Green was given a plantation for his heroic deeds in the Revolutionary War. Winston Tyson was given the job of teaching Nathan’s children. Winston Tyson was a sister of my grear-great grandfather Eugene Hargraves Tyson. General Lee was talked about and his mistake. I missed what the mistake General “Lighthorse Harry”Lee made in the war, if they sung it at all, but it must have been a doozy, he was suspended for one year. The play also, as far as I know, did not mention that General Lighthorse Harry” that after the war he visited General Nathan Green’s plantation on the coast of Georgia, and died there. General “Lighthorse Harry” is the father of Robert E. Lee. They didn’t mention that either, and I can see why, the story wasn’t about him.
It was good!
PS Alexander Hamilton (1755 or 57-1804) was from Puerto Rico but came to American at a young age. Lia-Manuel Miranda is of PuertoRican decent but has not been there until recently.

Kathy Adcock Proaps, Carol Bettis Webster and 1 other

Marietta 4th of July Parade 2020

There has almost always been a 4th of July Parade in Marietta.

This year is no exception.  It is just not live.  Furnish your own music.