Thursday, December 31, 2020

You Are What You Are


Art by Will Elder in MAD Comic Book.

Our son Adam dropped by yesterday evening.  He gave us each a DNA kit and made sure we registered the numbers on-line.

We each are to submit our DNA in the form of saliva into a tube and mail it in.

One of the guild lines is to do it after not eating or drinking anything for at least 30 minutes. 

This morning I was thinking this is the holiday season, also a festive season, which is a grazing season.  Finding a 30 minute gap might be a challenge.


You heard of “You are what you eat”.  In that case, again, in this season, they might find I have the DNA of Virginia Ham, BBQ Pork, Baby Back Ribs, Crabs, Hot Dogs,  Onion Rings., and Cashew Nuts.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Empty parking lot at multiplex theaters at Town Center December 29, 2020.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

F Y On The Shelf


Elf (A.K.A. “F”) On The Shelf.

On the news this morning was a piece about a school principal, I think his name is Mr. Vaughn, who dresses in red with red and white striped stockings during Christmas time at school to have fun with the students at his school.  “Put a smile on their faces” he said.

However, it stands to reason, that out of a school student body there are bound to be a few bad apples.  And those bad apples would be sent to the principal’s office for discipline.

I know, I have been sent to the principal’s office a bunch of times.

In grammar school Principal Miss Whitehead did not greet me dressed in red, with a floppy red cap and stripped white and red stockings.  She had no intention of “putting a smile on my face.”  She wanted to see tears and fright.

Which if you have noticed I never misspell Principal.  One time our high school principal Lloyd Cox,  in a morning student body meeting said he was looking over potential teachers resume letters and it was amazing how many looking for a job misspelled Principal, saying instead Principle.

Speaking of Principal Cox one time he had three of us lined us and suddenly whipped out behind his back a blown up Whoopee Cushion and squeezed it and it made a loud farting noise and us three cracked up laughing.  The cushion was confiscated from us by Coach Lundy in phys ed.  Lloyd said, “What is so funny about that.”  He should have had on an Elf on the Shelf suit, because he certainly caused mirth, spontaneously smiles and laughter.

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! HUMBUG Magazine's Inspiration

 I'm not through with Christmas yet.  Remember THE CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens?  Well, here it is HUMBUG style from HUMBUG Magazine in the 1950s, illustrated by Arnold Roth and probably translated by editor Harvey Kurtzman.

click to see the pretty bxw pictures and read the balloons.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

I Take Care of Surprised Endings


We saw the movie ARMAGEDDON on TV tonight.  Before it even started I thought to myself it is about a disaster which will end the world as we know it.  That is a given.

I also said to myself, “However the world will be saved by the sacrifice of one man person.  He will be someone loveable or hateful throughout the movie.   And I was right!  He was both.

I have seen too many movies.  Nine times out of ten I can spoil the surprise ending by telling you what I have deducted it to be.

It is just plain logic, they write themselves.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Dance of the Pee Pee


This morning on THE TODAY SHOW they did a piece on THE NUT-CRACKER SUITE ballet that is being performed in Miami to a limited well-spaced audience outside.  Of course, the performers are about half in number, wearing masks and of course well-spaced.

It reminded me of the couple of times we have seen THE NUT-CRACKER Ballet live,  although, I might have got some of them mixed up with the SWAN LAKE Ballets.

Anyway, I remember one time driving home after seeing a NUT- CRACKER inspired to design the choreography of my own ballet.

The name of it will be


The main person will do a lot of tip-toe dancing with a lot of spins, leaps, and holding his crotch (except when he is leaping – he will need both arms out to gracefully land) and the music will be ocean sounds such as waves.

As most of my schemes it never got beyond the planning stage.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


I started re-reading an Arcadia book about the history of Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta.  If you haven’t been to Oakland Cemetery you need to go if you are interested in the history of Atlanta, Marthasville, and Terminus.

Atlanta’s late official historian of Atlanta, Franklin Garrett is buried in Oakland.  Here is a picture I took of his and his wife’s marker.

Each time Franklin Garrett’s name comes up I am reminded of our one-time interaction.

During the period I live and breathed family history I called the Atlanta History Society and asked to speak to a Atlanta historian.  Franklin Garrett answered the phone..

I asked him about my ancestor who was wounded in the Civil War during the time the Battle of Atlanta was going on.  I wanted to know what part of Atlanta was his unit at. 

Franklin told me to hold on and put me on hold.  He came back in 10 minutes or so and told me Peachtree Creek, near what is now Piedmont Hospital.  I have read that he was shot in the knee at a spring on Kennesaw Mountain.  I asked him how could that be?  He told me to hold on.

Fifteen or so minutes he came back and told me some units got separated.  That spurned another question.  He said hold on.

He came back in near 20 minutes and told me his theory.

Which caused me to ask another question.

He said something to the effect, “Can you keep you questions and ask them all at one time?  I am having to walk up a flight of stairs for each question and it is wearing me out.”

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

5 People in a Basement


True Story:
The day before yesterday we tried to light the pilot light to our heater down in the basement and could not figure out how. Not knowing the right sequence of the switches to point and hold down we could blow us and the house up. Also that day we noticed the towels we had washed and died were not warm like they usually aree.
So we called our heating and air conditioner company and called a appliance repairman we found on-line.
They all showed up yesterday morning about the same time: The air conditioning man and his assistant (his son), and the appliance repairman. We all went to the basement, all 5 of us. The AC man and son had to heater’s pilot light on in seconds. The appliance repairman turned on the dryer and it gave out hot air and said it did not need fixing, it was working fine.
So, there we were, all five us standing in the basement, all probably wondering “What are we doing here?”
And the heating and air conditioning man said, “Is it OK if I use your bathroom?”

Monday, December 21, 2020

For Dumb Asses


I have an exercise CD that has a young man training or teaching several techniques of stretching and things like that.   Whenever my muscles or bones get a tight sore feeling, if I think of it, I watch one of his presentations.  And it works, for a while.

I think his workout stage is actually his living room high up in an apartment overlooking a bus traffic.

In a couple of the videos there is a bookcase.  I have been straining my eyes to see what books he has on his shelves.  They are just far enough away from the camera you cannot read what the titles are.

But one of his books I recognize the cover format. 

It is one of those “FOR DUMMIES” books.  I wonder what he feels he needs to know more about?  Not that I’m nosy or anything like that.

Sunday, December 20, 2020



Being in exile these days, or self quarantined, because of our age, we have been getting a lot of to-go. Meals, especially for our anniversary. The other day we ordered a pizza from a locally owned Italian restaurant. When I went to get it the young man behind the counter have I been there before I replied it has been years. He said he would pretend I said it was my first time and gave me a hand full of introductory coupons. I felt like Jake of State Farm.
Bradley K. Martin, Paul Roper and 7 others


 PANIC Comicbook was MAD''s sister.  EC Publishing published MAD and PANIC.  PANIC was a spinoff of MAD and rode on MAD's success.  They had the same artists, but different editors.  PANIC may have been a little bolder.  

This is PANIC's Christmas Story.  Which was banned in Boston.  Really!

Art by Will Elder.

Click on each page to make bigger, readable, and hopefully understandable.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Naval Killing Story


This is a true story with shooting and killing that involved me when I was in the Navy.  A Naval War story?  You be the judge.


I forgot where I had been.  I walked into our I & E Office and sat down at my desk.  Co-worker Don, Reenlistment CPO French were at our division officer Lt Chet’s desk and were deep conversation.  They appeared not to have noticed me.

Then Chet addressed me:  “Eddie, would you reach into that cabinet behind you and get me the book on (whateve)?

I did just as Lt Chet said.  I hoped out of my set, opened the cabinet and saw the book he asked for about nose level.  Us four made up the I & E Office.  I & E stood for Information and Education.  We gave tests, see that men got the right study materials for tests for advancements, and so on.

Before I could get the book I had to move an object in front of the book.  So, with no ado I moved the object to the side and slid the book out of its place on the shelf and carried it over to Chet’s desk and flopped the book in front of him.

Don, French, and Chet broke out in a cackle.  They were laughing out loud. 

“What was that you had to move to get the book?”

“Huh?  I didn’t notice…?

I turned around to look to see what I had to move:  A big wild turkey, shot dead.

French was off that day and went hunting and killed a wild turkey.  He brought it by the office to show it off.  I think he might have shot out in the wooded part of base just off the runway.

I have no idea why I did not notice a big dead fowl that had no business being there. 


Hard Work


People have often thanked me for my service (Navy 1960s).  My instant reply is something like “Aw Shucks!  There was nothing to it.” 

But wait!

Then I think of this picture I made sitting at my desk in the I & E  Office.  It had to be made on a certain kind of graphic paper so it could be printed on the duplicating machine.  And I had to make my MERRY CRHISTRMAS letters backwards to it would print frontwards,  sort of like a mirror.  That was before scanning machines I suppose.

Do you realize how much work that was?

click on below to make it bigger.

Will Vote


Waiting for his time

Small World


Doug Quarrels

On my daily computer calendar, I'm told that today is Anna's uncle Lamar's birthday is today.  Lamar has been dead for a several years now.  I need to delete that.  

I was a pallbearer at Lamar’s funeral.  Also a pallbearer a man who was Lamar’s daughter’s supervisor.   His name was Doug Quarrels, as far as I know we never met until this time.  After the burial Doug and I walked around the cemetery (Kennesaw Memorial), both of us pointing out relatives’ graves.  It did not take many graves for us to realize we had some common relatives.  Doug Quarrels was named after my uncle, my Dad’s brother, Doug Hunter, which was his uncle also.

Small world!

Friday, December 18, 2020


art from MAD Comic by Jack Davis


Surfing for an interesting movie to watch we stumbled across THE MOUNTAIN MINOR.It is about the dirt-poor mountain folk of Kentucky and their love for Bluegrass music.  I think down to earth real down-to-earth people who knew nothing of acting did the acting.  That made it even more authentic.  I In the movie, all people who had relationships friendship or marriage, they were always putting the other down, in a joking unprovoked  joking style – like real people in the south do if they care for someone. Through the natural genealogy of life people died, but like a Greek play, nobody died in front of the audience.  Their death were announced by showing  their tombstone with the dates chiseled in.  

There is a lot of Bluegrass jams and Bluegrass as lonely wails, but it is all good and non-pretentious.   Good movie!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Marietta Back Then


Old Marietta (O.M.) created this Remember When article of how things were a long long trme ago in Marietta.  I simply threw in my two cents by copying and pasting and altering drawn from my own memory of “Back Then”.

Old Marietta (O.M.)

FeSfebtrualtlloSproidy 1ns3rsar,oa fre2aed01i5  · 

Remembering when...! Mr. Bill Kinney and others:

And now, we head back down “Memory Lane.” Remember not so long ago …


Speaking of Bill Kinney and his wife Alberta Shouse Kinney:  In the 5th grade at Waterman Street School, during recess, lining up at the fire escape to back to our classroom a friend pushed me against the fire escape which was metal put a big gash in my forehead.  That was before 911, my father was called.  Until he got there Miss Shouse had me put my head in her lap and she held a towel with ice against it.  It was the first time I appreciated the soft firm hips of a woman.  Later that same year Miss Shouse told me she had a pigeon in her room at the boarding house that got inside somehow and she put it in a box.  Would I like to have it?  Yes.  After school I walked with her to her room at a boarding house for teachers on North Avenue.  I remember in particular walking by the drunks in front of the Old Courthouse and some of them whistling.   Within a year she married Bill Kinney.  My daddy was the Chief of the Cobb County Police and one time they raided what was at that time the largest still in Georgia.  It was just off the 4-Lane (Cobb Parkway, S.), just south of Dobbins AFB, where Wallmart is now.  As a reporter Bill Kinney went along.  He got intoxicated on the fumes.

When $2 worth of gasoline would last nearly a week? And the gas wars!  Sometimes gas was less than 20 cents a gallon.

When certain sections of Marietta had their own nicknames, such as “Roosevelt”, “Whitlock Heights”, “Lick Skillet,” “Louisville,” “Baptist Town,” “Jonesville” and “Butler Town”?

My father and his bothers were the Lords of Butlertown.  I was told countless stores of the brothers, and unfortunately I have a bad retention.

When Miss Whitehead, the principal at Waterman Street School, gathered all the students around the flagpole to lower the flag to half-mast after President Franklin D. Roosevelt died?  Miss Whitehead’s doing half-mast was two years before my 1st grade debut at Waterman Street School.  Miss Whitehead couldn’t wait to get her hands on me, symbolically,  more than once she bent down in my face and said my Daddy and his brothers gave her hard time and it is stopping here.  One time when a bat I caught and accidentally let loose in halls before school started had her screaming at me, red faced.  Kids were screaming as the poor bat flew up and down the halls with Cliff he janitor chasing it trying to knock it down with a broom.


When the kids with Marietta Daily Journal paper routes would gather in an alley off Winters Street to roll or fold their papers before delivering them?  J knew a bunch of them and we would meet and walk our routes partially together, I was delivering the Atlanta Journal.

When the Greyhound bus station was at the northeast corner of Atlanta and Anderson Streets, across from the old First Methodist Church? The lot in front of the station had enough room for about one bus and it couldn’t turn around.

Us kids used to play on the dirt mounds as the new Greyhound Bu station at Anderson, Roswell, and Green Streets was built.  And after that was finished we played at the construction site of the 1st Methodist Annex Building.  At both construction sites two of us got seriously hurt.

When school children marched around the Square and on to the Confederate Cemetery on Southern Memorial Day? Most of the kids carried flowers, usually hydrangea, for the graves? (The parade was led by Mrs. Regina Rambo Benson, who taught the kids to sing “Dixie” as it should be sung.)  I remember walking to the Confederate Cemetery with my Waterman Street School Class.  My first march I was only 6.  Our mother knew I was a wanderer, she had a fear of me just wandering off at the cemetery to who knows where and gave my older sister to keep an eye on me and bring me home.  At the cemetery, after we were “dismissed!” Frances could not find me.  She looked high and low and I wasn’t there.  She walked home wording how she was going to tell Mama she lost me.  When she got home she saw me playing in the front yard.

When kids were playing baseball or football all around town with nary a grown-up in sight?

When it took a half-day to go to Atlanta and back — more if any shopping was to be done?

When steam-powered trains stopped to fill up at the water tank behind Romeo Hudgins Welding shop and near the City Cemetery?  Romeo Hudgins was the Little League coach for Southern Discount team.  I was on his team for two years.  His assistant coach was Pepper Martin, who had an evening show on WFOM named “Dinner Light Music with Pepper Martin”.  Pepper’s sons and at least one grandson became heavily involved in music.

When downtown stores had pneumatic tubes from sales areas to central cashiers?

When parts of present-day South Marietta Parkway were known simply as Clay Street?

When the Marietta Police Department consisted of four officers and one patrol car?

When the local funeral homes operated the only emergency ambulances in town?

When City Hall, the Fire Department and the Teen-age Canteen were all in the same building on Atlanta Street?  In the 7th grade a bunch of us wanted to be teenagers so bad, we would go to the TAC (Teen Age Canteen) and usually the husband and wife managers would run us out, but we came back.

When young boys pushed ice cream carts, cooled with dry ice, all over town, selling Eskimo Pies, Popsicles, Fudgesicles, ice cream sandwiches and hunkies?

When the old guard house at the end of Fairground Street was converted into a restaurant called the Drive In and Eat? There was another guardhouse near the underpass on the Access Highway/South Cobb Drive.

When there was a fair held on Fairground Street each year (actually a carnival)? It was on the present site of Perry Parham Field. On the Sunday morning after the fair left town, lots of kids from Marietta Place would rake through the sawdust left behind in search of coins dropped from pockets of those riding the most daring rides, i.e. the Tilt-a-Whirl, the Bullet, etc.  One time a carnival lady  at a trailer handed me a bucket and told me she would give me a quarter when I bought it back full of water.  I found a water spicket near the Bell Auditorium I lugged the pale of water from there to the Perry Parham Little League area, however, it was a long way, and about a quarter of water sloshed out.  The lady said I spilled so much it was not worth a quarter.  She gave a dime.  She handed me  another bucket and told me to try again.  I put the bucket down and walked away.

After the carnival part of the fair left, usually late Saturday night we kids would prowl over the area the rides were and pick up a few dollars in change.  One time I found several jars of pickled snake heads.  Big rattle snakes’ heads and more.  I brought them home and hid them in our chicken house, I knew my mother would not allow me to keep those snakes and I also knew she was not likely go into the chicken house.  Wrong. She found them.


When the corner of Sessions and Rose Lane Streets was the site of Holeproof Hosiery, one of the town’s major employers, not upscale loft apartments and condominiums?

When the powers-that-be thought a hogwire fence would prevent adventurous young boys from crawling all over and through the old B-29 bomber parked on the East side of Bell Center on Fairground Street?

The B-29 was in front of the Hood family home.  Mr. Hood was the maintenance grounds keeper and I suppose since he was always on call, they furnished him and his family a house in the park.  The plane was about in front of the Aquatic Center.  We were playing in it one time and I fell out of what was probably the bombing bay.  I thought I broke my leg and limped around a few days but evidently it was just bruised.



When neighborhood grocery stores around town flourished? I remember Pete Steele’s on the corner of S. Waddell and Wayland Streets,  Our apartment in the Clay Homes was the end apartment on the corner of Waddell and Wayland Streets, the closest to Pete Steele’s store.  Pete and his wife and three daughters became lifetime friends.


Mr. Yancey’s on the corner of E. Waterman Street and South Avenue,

Yancy’s Store was on my paper route.  They sold malt balls, 2 for a penny.  I dropped by there almost every day and bought about a quarter’s worth; 50.  Then I took my malt balls in a sack down the street one block at the corner of South Avenue and Fraser Street.  The man who lived there own a restaurant on the 4-Lane (Cobb Parkway).  He kept a monkey on a chain in his front yard.  I sat down on his front step and shared the malt balls with the monkey.


Mr. Garrison’s Country Store in Marietta Place, Mr. McConnell’s on Roswell and Fairground Streets, Joiner’s Market on Cherokee Street, Kirk’s on Powder Springs Stree.  Kirks’ Market was first on Roswell Street across from Dodd Street.  I think Adrian and Mark Kirk were the owners.  I worked there as a sacker and carry out clerk for a year or two. and others on Maple Avenue, Sessions and Campbell Hill Streets, Butlers Crossing, Paige Street and Allgood Road.


When we looked forward to the Rat Skats of Marietta High holding their initiations each year? You would witness some very strange sights around town and some very embarrassed young men afterward.  The final climax of the initiation was to run 3 miles down Stylesborough Road dressed in a bra and panties and let the members drive by and whack you with a paddle.

When the Westside mothers wouldn’t let their daughters go near the Bell Center area (around the current Cobb Civic Center) due to the roughnecks that hung out in that vicinity? When we had three public swimming pools in Marietta, open seven days a week in the summertime?  Once at Larry Bell’s pro-wrestling I was showing off for a cute little girl and fell off the blenchers and broke my arm.


When the old bowling alley in the basement of Larry Bell Center had eight lanes, four duckpins and four tenpins, all with manual pinsetters? The main objective of the duckpin bowlers wasn’t to score high, but to bounce a pin off the back wall and then off the pinboy’s head. Needless to say, those boys, all in their early teens, became very adroit at dodging the flying pins.

Once I went to see the manager of the Larry Bell Park Bowling Alley for a job as a pin-boy.  The manager practically said yes, but first he needed some land cleared that he just purchased near Austell.  Jimmy McEntire, Billy Joe and Jack Royal went as a crew.  I forgot how much he was going to pay us.  We cut and put all the brush in a big pile, and he poured gasoline on it and it.  It caused a big fire also catching our hopefully new boss on fire.  We rolled him and put him out but he was badly burned.  That was before 911 so we put him in the the car and rushed him to the hospital to the ER.  That is the last we heard of him or our jobs.

Down the hall from the Bowling Alley in the basement of the Larry Bell Park Auditorium was the pool room.  I got to know the manager Pop Smith well.  He lived near me on East Dixie Avenue.  I wanted to play pool but Pop wouldn’t let me.  He said I had to be 18.

When there was an earlier bowling alley behind McClellan’s 5 and 10 cents store off Winters Street, but that was even before my time?

Speaking of McClellan’s 5 and 10 Cents store.  I don’t remember what was there before McClellan’s but I remember the night before they opened.  My Daddy, a Marietta Policeman was friends with the manager, a young man.  He and his wife gave our family a tour of the store the night before they opened.  I remember only low lights were on, because if it was well lit people woold think it was opened, and Daddy saw a boy, about my size standing on a merchandize table and he said something like, “Eddie!  Get down now!”  And it wasn’t me, it was a boy mannequin. 

When the jailhouse was behind the courthouse on the Square and the inmates would look out the barred windows and yell at people walking on Washington Avenue?

After the Saturday morning cowboy or Bowery Boys or ? show was over at the Strand Theater was over we would go by the granite calaboose next to the Sheriff’s office to pick up cigarette packs and either take them or throw them back and the barred windows.  Girlfriends of the inmates would somehow get sample cigarette packs and throw them in the window.  They were easier to throw and more likely make it through the bars.


When Miss Tib Sibley was the librarian at the Carnagie Library on the corner of Church and Lemon Streets and you could hear her talking throughout both floors of the building? She was just a little on the deaf side and had to talk loudly to hear what she was saying. 

Miss Sibley had a very much southern drawl accent and when she talked of the joys of reading I could not wait to read some of the books she pushed.


Another lady who visited the grammar schools several times a year was Miss Ogden, the music teacher.  She always handed colored wooden dowels and some of us sang and some of us kept the beat with those color dowels and some jabbed each other with those color dowels.


When Keeler Woods was just that and not a subdivision? All the young boys on the west side of town spent many a happy day tromping through those woods.

Then while Keeler Woods was being built Cobb County was a dry county, no whiskey was allowed.  My uncle “Peanut” kept his moonshine hid in a wooded area in that soon to be subdivision.


Remember Florence's, JoAnn Shop, Mr. Murray's Shoe Store, Saul's, Leiters, Mill End Fabric Store?

Remember Fletcher's on the Square, where you could get Mrs. Fletcher to help you with jewelry at street level & Mr. Fletcher would take family portraits downstairs?

Remember the unique window displays at Fletcher's during Christmas like the gold miniature ferris wheel with Santa?

Remember every fall before school started going to Coggins to get a new pair of Bass Weejuns?

Remember when all Dunaway drug stores & Atherton's had food counters that served breakfast, lunch and a cherry coke any time?  Larry Bradford and I got thrown out of Athertons’s lunch counter one time for throwing French fries at each other.

The Goat Man, The Hook Man on Blackjack Mountain?

White kids crashing the party at Bomber City?

Pick basketball games at “The Blacktop” ?

Baker the Taylor – sewing up your new suit?

I remember a little bald  man tailor named Hazel he Tailor who had a shop on the ground floor of the Kennesaw House.  He was good and cheap pegging boy’s Levis  pants.

New Keds from Coggins, Gold Cup socks, Dobbs hats, Arrow shirts and Countess Mara ties from Johnny Walkers?

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Good is Good! And Bad Is Also Good, But Bad Is Not Bad

I heard an interesting statement on radio today.  A young man was being interviewed, I think he was a Far Eastern movie maker, he said something to the effect “Everything that happens to you, good or bad, is a gift, which is good.”

I think he meant the bad is good because that is part of he education from the school of “Hard Knocks” which makes your survival easier.

And of course, Good is Good.

Want to know what is really good?  Butter Pecan Ice Cream!

The Great Wall of Chincia


click on to make readable this sentence too)

Monday, December 14, 2020

Interesting Evesdropping


Interesting Eavesdropping:  About 11am we walked into a sandwich shop.  There were on one person behind the counter.  On the side of the counter were two young detectives.   I knew they were detectives because they both had guns and handcuffs on their belts.  I thought it was interesting they did not have face masks on.

The lady behind the counter was talking to the men she was preparing their sandwiches.  They were talking about a murder case.  She was telling them about a murder case in Sandy Springs that she knew a lot about.  I think she had some kind of relationship of someone involved in the murder.  As it unfolded, she knew the victim and the murderer. 

They  listened and offered their opinions, telling her to bear in mind that Fulton County law enforcement does things differently from Cobb County’s law enforcement.     

I have a bad sciatica nerve.  It I am sitting or standing for over a few minutes I think a type of stiffness sets in.  I learned whenever I am still for a long period of time I need to more my left leg up and down.  I think it gets blood circulating.  While the lady behind the counter was talking to the detectives and it looked like it would be a while I started moving my left leg back and forth and up and down.  The movement caught the attention of my leg movements, glanced at it, then did a double focus.  Opps, they must think I am on speed or something, so I quit.

They got their sandwiches and left. 

We ordered.

As the lady was  preparing our sandwiches two young ladies came in.  They apparently knew the lady behind the counter.  One asked her was she going to the service.  I forgot what she said, if she was going to the service or not.

Interesting one of the ladies took out a cell phone and slid it across the counter.  Then, I think since she was bogged down making our sandwiches they told their friend they would be back.   And as they left one of them grabbed a sack of potato chips and told her to put it on her tab.

Service?  Did that have anything to do with the Sandy Springs shooting?  There were plenty of questions I had.