Tuesday, October 13, 2015

ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK, a Human Behavior Study

We are Johnnies -come-late people for the Netflix series ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK.  It is amazingly good.  It is about a minimum security women's prison near Utica, New York.  It is a infinite  study of human behavior.

It sort of loosely based on one young lady yuppie who was sent to prison for smuggling drugs.  She brought her idealistic yuppy ways to prison, which does not exactly fit with the mainstream of the inmates, but she is more or less accepted for who she is.

The same woman got the idea of packaging and marketing inmates unwashed panties.  Perverts on the outside were paying high prices for smelly female prison inmates underwear.  We just watched an episode that to keep up with demand, the outside connection started creating their own used inmate underwear by rubbing in tuna can liquid and other similar smells.  When her husband realized what she was doing he accused her of being unethical.

The series has about two dozen main characters and each one gets a flashback off and on  to show why they ae the way they are.

In the last few the series took a new turn.  The prison was turned over to a private corporation to run.  Corporate Greed rules everything.  The board of directors don't even care if there will be repercussions to the inhumane decisions they make because they are after the profit bottom line after two quarters, then it will be a profitable business adventure to sell at a huge profit.

Also there is plenty of  sex scenes, mostly female to female (after all, it is a women's prison) but some hetero sex also.

The bad news is there are 39 episodes and we watched them all in order, all but the last one.  We watched the 38th last night.  I suppose we will pick a special moment to watched the last one, to get the most out of it.  And new ones will be not start until June 2016.

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