Monday, July 16, 2007


This is just a ramble and review of the last couple of days.

Friday while out and about we ate lunch at Gabriel’s. Gabriel’s is owned and operated by Johnnie Garbriel. We watched her establishment grow from a little bakery to a big sandwich shop with a large staff. She always had a sweet laid back disposition, She seemed witty and pleasant.

Once she told us she and Paula Deen were first cousin.

While eating lunch Anna’s uncle and aunt came in and joined us. Then we saw Congressman Phil Gingrey with a tray with his lunch on it. He was all smiles. While we were walking out we ran into my cousin David, who also has an interest in politics. He asked me for an update on my genealogical information. I think Gabriel’s is the place to be seen.

Also, there were signs throughout the eatery saying she would be on Paula Deen’s show that evening at 9pm. We watched it. She seemed a bit nervous – not as relaxed as she comes off in her own surroundings when the TV lights and camera are focused on her.

Saturday we decided to get an big deck umbrella for our deck table. We looked at them at Target, Wal-mart, and Home Depot and decided on at Target where they were marked 50% off.

One kind Target had on display only had one left. A man beat us to it. We decided on another. Nearer the cash registers we ran into the man and his wife. She was trying to talk him out of it. He pointed to us and said we wanted the same umbrella, so if he couldn’t have it we would take it – the last one. He turned around and put it in our cart. His wife said it was too expensive.

I guess as an ego thing, to prove his point of who wore the pants in the family, he retrieved it from our cart and put it in his own.

I guess we could have argued the point that once he placed it in our cart it was ours, but we didn’t. We just politely watched their show-of-power game.

We got our umbrella home. Set it up. There is a little round hole in the center of the table that is meant to hold a umbrella pole – so, now the hole is earning its keep.

We enjoyed sitting on the deck under the umbrella for a short time and then it came a downpour. We ran inside. I moved on the deck cushions to the carport, which now has a nice junky look to it. I need to at least stack them neat today.

And according to the forecast it is going to rain off and on all week. We should have bought the umbrella sooner – then we might have prevented the drought.

Speaking of rain. Sunday morning Willow and I were out on what I intended to be a two mile walk. About half way again it became a downpour. We ran in the rain to get back home – which we were drenched to the skin when we arrived.

And today is my birthday. I’ll cry if I want to.


Anonymous said...

happy birthday!!!!!!!! aren't you 35 this year?
also, i insured it would rain yesterday by detailing our family car inside and out. should be a downpour any minute now...

Eddie said...

Thank you!
And please get to safety on high ground.. it will flooding in your area anytime now!

Anonymous said...

for real?

kenju said...

Happy Birthday, Eddie. If I thought buying a new deck umbrella would end our drought - I'd et one right away! We may have rain today, though, it is overcast and cloudy. Hope you have a great birthday!

Eddie said...

What's real? Reality is in the eyes of the beholder. Since you washed your car you will see "for real" "real" soon!

Thank you!
Wash your car or buy something for your deck that you are dying to try out. It works every time.

It is almost time for the Birthday Boy to get ready and go to Brandi's Famous Hotdogs play the lottos (how can I lose?)

Suzanne said...

Happy birthday! It seems that all the best people have birthdays in mid-July. My hubby's birthday is today (july 17).

That's some story about your umbrella. And the bakery.

Eddie said...

Please wish your hubby a happy birthday for me, from one Cancer to another one.