Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Postman and Little postman postcard

This is another fact that investigative reporting has uncovered. Being a retired Postal Employee I have known this for years, but now that it has been uncovered, I guess I am no longer bound to honor the secret I swore to keep.

And the secret is/was that every postman has a little person in his mailbag to sort the mail and other duties as the situations demand, such as hand the postal carrier a bottle of water, cap screwed off; and when a dog becomes too aggressive, reach out of the satchel and give the dog a quick hard slap or grab him by the tail… every time they are surprised and run away whimpering.


kenju said...

Tom Foolery, I'll bet!!

Eddie said...

I bet so too!

Carolyn said...

So THAT explains the animal crackers mixed in w/my mail!

Eddie said...

But at least you won't find soup stains catchup stains - they have stick orders what is allowed and what isn't.