Thursday, May 22, 2008

Balls 2

Outspoken Sign at Mulligans, in Marietta, that is, well, outspoken.... the tee-shirts that owner Mike Norman was selling there caused an uproar too.


kenju said...

I like what he said in the sign at the top, Eddie. He's right. The news is all jumbled up nowadays!

I can't find the comment you were referring to when you left a comment for me this morning. Which one was it?

Carolyn said...

That shirt is pushing the envelope. (Well, the shirt actually isn't pushing and there's no envelope... but you know what I mean ;) The news sign is true however, but it would seem the owner is opening a big can of trouble for himself though.

By the way Eddie, you were right about me thanking you later, lol!

Eddie said...

The top sign is the latest, and I don't think anyone can argue with that.
I was referring to the jumbled letters that ones had to type to make a comment on your blog. They are like tea leafs. More times than not they throw something in that makes you think.

That was my imitation of Adrian Monk.

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