Saturday, May 13, 2006

Chasing Dogs and Buying Jewelry

Not only are we having technical problems. I am tired.

We shopped over 12 hours yesterday to replace Anna's jewelry she lost on our recent trip. When I solo shop I go straight to what I intend to buy, make a quick decision, plunk my money on the counter, pick up the item and leave. With Anna it is detailed studying and when you find something, then you try to deal, or bargain for it. She does well with the Pakistanis and dark skin Gypsy looking people. Or they make her think she got a deal anyway.

And it drained all my energy.

And today we have to get her ready for her business trip she is taking Monday to Illinois.

Also yesterday, we picked up my son's dog Belle at the dog motel. When we picked her up the lady from the back said, "Are you sure you want her?" She said Belle thinks she is always competing to bark the loudest. When she brought her out, it reminded me of a bucking wild bronco. Boy, was she wild. She would stand up and wiggle, to try to wiggle out of her collar.

We took her outside and got almost to the car when she stood up and wiggled just right and got loose from the collar and leash. Belle has always been the type of dog that you could never trust to take off running. As far as I know she has got loose three other times and each time it has taken a number of people to catch her.

This time she broke loose we were at the intersection of two busy 4-lane Boulevards. My heart sank. I knew Belle was a gonner. Either by escaping or by getting ran over.

Before I went off chasing her I opened the back door of our car so it would be easier to put in the car if I didn't have to wrestle with her and try to open the door at the same time.... that is IF we caught her, which is a big IF.

I went around the side of the car and she went around the car the other way and jumped into the car and sat on the back seat.

No problem!


Anonymous said...

Dogs are at least obedient. Try chasing down a damn cat. Our cat escaped when Bird went down to Naorleans and we had hell catching her. The cat that is- not Bird…

Carolyn said...

Daisy is a bucker too. She gives us a run for our money some times.

Eddie said...

Belle isn't obediant at all. She is a Rescued Dog that Rocky adopted a few years ago. Her previous owner must have mistreated her. She, in general, wants nothing to do with human, with the exception of Rocky. It took at least a year to earn her trust. One time I kept her here for two days and at times she would get close enough to smell my hand, and once even let me pet her, but she easily forgot on her next visit.
She prefers to stay safely in her crate.
Carolyn - When you said "Daisy is a bucker too I had two instant thoughts: (1) How did Caroloyn know the name of my other son Adam's dog and (2) Daisy is not a bucker! In fact, she is very loving and gentle, I'm sure in dog language, Belle calls Daisy "Uncle Tom" or maybe "Aunt Tom".
But wait! Then I remembered your dogs are named Daisey and Ginger. Nevermind.

kenju said...

I really thought you would say she ran away and is still gone. Glad she had the sense to get into the car!

Eddie said...

My wife Anna said, "That is the most sense you have shown!"
and I asked, "Are you talking to me or Belle?"

Anonymous said...

stevie, you couldn't have caught bird if you had tried that morning... I almost missed the train because of that cat!

Eddie said...

A friend said that if Belle had got in the street and ran over and killed I should quickly take her to the nearest taxidermist and have her stuff, and go back and place her in her crate and swear tht is the way I found her and stick to the story.