
Tuesday, April 09, 2024



More Wonders

Speaking of earthy and above earthy things.

My late friend Sam, when he was a Georgia Tech student tried to explain Einstein ‘s Theory of Relativity to me.  He gave me a very simple explanation:  (If you already read before this explanation) skip over this paragraph:  Suppose you were standing on a bus.  Suppose the bus stopped.  When it stopped you would feel the force of your body wanting to keep on moving forward.  Suppose, when the bus stopped suddenly you would have jumped up in the air at he same movement:  Yourr body would be hurled forward and maybe crash up by the dive.

Sam jus bought a nice new Chevrolet Convertible.  We decided to try the experiment out on a old road in the woods near Dallas, Ga.  We bought beer, on dirt we picked up speed and he suddenly stopped and I threw the beer straight up   in the air.  We expected the beer to fall back down in front of the car.


It landed on the pretty shiny hood and put a dent in it.

Anyway,  I am wondering if the relativity science include weather?  Does the weather stay over a certain point on earth or moves with the Earth as it rotates?

That way, in this area, maybe the weather man knows the weather in say Mississippi is about a day away, traveling at Earth’s rotation speed will be in the Atlanta area tomorrow?  Or if the earth suddenly stopped rotating would the weaher keep on moving eastward.


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