
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Mr Bla Bla


I remembered this morning that years ago a chain grocery store that has since changed locations, we overheard the manager tell one of the employees she was going have to work Thanksgiving Day.  She bluntly said no she was not going to work Thanksgiving Day.  The manager told her if she did not come in on Thanksgiving don’t bother coming in Friday.

I don’t remember who won.

But it did remind me of another incident with that grocery store and manager:  The manager fired a young teenage employee.  For what reason, I don’t know.  We were shopping in an aisle and the manager was in the same aisle, fairly close to making sure the shelves products were neatly lined up when we heard the voice of fired teenager over the PA system say, “Mister Bla Bla sucks big ones!”.  I looked over at him, his expression had not changed but he stopped what he was doing and headed walking toward the managers office the same time I heard running feet and the out door whish opened.

And that was it.

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