
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Osmo & Family Down from Indiana

 c 1954: My uncle Osmo Petty and his family and his brother Leonard and his family. Plus me and my immediate family and our grandmother/mother. The picture was taken in our front yard in Marietta, across the street from Larry Bell Park. Oh yeah, and that's my bike too.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

11,000 posts!


This post has no purpose other than pumping my ego.  I noticed in my “Stats” session that his blog CHICKEN-FAT,  has 10999 posts.

So, with this post I have produced 11,000 posts!  WOW!

Clip art clipped from MAD Comicbook, art by Georgian Jack Davis

Baby Tomatoes & Vine

 That's It!  Just tomatoes growing on a vine that I took a picture of years ago.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

We Need To

 My Claim to Fame: This morning on THE TODAY SHOW one of the guests was Celeste Headlee. Celeste has made a name for herself as a journalist, author, speaker, and musician. She wrote a book on how to have meaningful conversations titled WE NEED TO TALK.

She was also at one time an announcer on NPR and lived in East Cobb. That is where I got to meet her, at Sweat Mountain Dog Park, in East Cobb.
I think she has moved on now.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Nose Dive


I was going through Anna’s late mother Marie Foster Prance’s slides and came across this slide of the Music Bowl on Daytona Beach.  The photo was dated July 1957.

It brought back memories of a crazy thing I did there almost 3 years in the future of that date.

In June 1960, we MHS Seniors and others MHS students went to Daytona Beach.  Some of us got rooms at the Renea just across the street from the bandshell. 

Young teenagers and adults were cruising up and down that street continuously.  Two girls drove by in their car and I very gracefully dove in their driver window and landed in their backseat.  I was somewhat surprised what I did and it was done by me.  The two girls thought it was nutsy and funny.

They pulled over and we talked.  They were down from Cartersville, Georgia.

My friend Larry Holcomb walked oved to where they pulled over and joined the conversation.  One of the girls was named Sheila.  I don’t know the details of their courtship, because after that summer Larry went to College at West Georgia College.    

In time Larry and Sheila married and had kids.  Larry worked at Atlantic Steel and started his own business and Sheila started an antiques business.

Larry died in 2000.

Sunday, November 26, 2023


This was published in MAD's sister satire comic PANIC.  Bill Elder illustrated it, I don't know wrote it.  Al Feldstein was the editor.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Christmas is Upon Us, Ho Ho


The Christmas Spirit is upon us. At Costco this evening the parking lot was packed. Cars were slowly roaming down the rows looking for a car with the backup lights on and when they found such a car several cars would rush to the scene and rudeness would suddenly erupt. The same was going on inside the building. It was crowded there too and people almost had fights over the free samples. People would reach in front of somebody about to grab a sample and yank it out of their reach and take it for themselves. Greed was in everybody's eyes. Ho Ho! Merry Christmas

Friday, November 24, 2023

Poor Joe


Today in the grocery store I saw a lady rhat recognized me immediately but I did not do likewise until she told me who her ex-brother-in-law is.  Then I recognized her and we had a nice talk.  We live only a block away from each other.

I worked with  Joe, her ex-brother-in-law.  Joe was deaf.  Joe and her sister had three children.  In 1986 Joe’s wife had a wreck with all three children in the car.  The three children were killed in the wreck.

Joe was deeply disturbed and in time divorced his wife.

After that I think Joe wanted to be alone.  He bought a lot of land in the mountains of North Georgia.  On time off he and his dog would drive to his raw untouched land and spend a night or two.  He slept in his locked vehicle and  his dog was tied to a rope outside.

One morning he found his dog dead,  mauled and still tied to he rope.  It is believed a bear got ahold of Joe’s dog ripped him to shreds.   The dog was probably  parking, but of course, Joe could not hear the warning or crying for help. 

Rumor was that Joe joined a motorcycle  gang and moved to Florida with them.

Joe used to be very witty and he was always very insightful.  He shared and pointed out things about certain people that I did not see until he sign-language told me.

I did not know sign language so when  we communicated it was something like Harpo Marx.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Mr Bla Bla


I remembered this morning that years ago a chain grocery store that has since changed locations, we overheard the manager tell one of the employees she was going have to work Thanksgiving Day.  She bluntly said no she was not going to work Thanksgiving Day.  The manager told her if she did not come in on Thanksgiving don’t bother coming in Friday.

I don’t remember who won.

But it did remind me of another incident with that grocery store and manager:  The manager fired a young teenage employee.  For what reason, I don’t know.  We were shopping in an aisle and the manager was in the same aisle, fairly close to making sure the shelves products were neatly lined up when we heard the voice of fired teenager over the PA system say, “Mister Bla Bla sucks big ones!”.  I looked over at him, his expression had not changed but he stopped what he was doing and headed walking toward the managers office the same time I heard running feet and the out door whish opened.

And that was it.

Anna's Granny Foste

 Myrtle Irene “Granny” Jones Foster (1895-1991). Granny is Anna’s grandmother, her mother’s mother. Granny was born and raised in the Milton- Alpharetta, Georgia, area. She had 6 siblings, 5 sisters and a brother.

Irene married Paul Everette Foster. They had eight children, four died at birth. Paul was a Singer Sewing Machine Salesman. They moved to Marietta, Georgia. Paul died as a young man leaving Irene to care for their four children. They lived all around Marietta. On several streets I see the houses or lots they used to lived in. They jokingly said they moved often, when the rent was due. But I think they probably moved in town during school months and further out during growing season.
Irene took over part of her late husband’s skills. She became a Singer Sewing Machine repair person. She also was Nannie and practical nurse. All her four children reached adulthood and did good with families of their own.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

I Won the Lottery Again!


I won the lottery again!  2 Weeks in a row!  I’m on a roll!  If this keeps up, I’ll be broke in no time.

Figure it yourself:  Last week I invested $10 on Powerball & Megal Millions tickets and won $4.  This week same thing:  won $4 and gambled $10.  Over a two week run I won $8 and lost $20!  Net Minus 412.

Boy Scouts, Varsity, Tech, UGA, Thanksgivinfg

 In my preteen years I was a Boy Scout in Troop 132 of Marietta. Two years, maybe more, our troop went to Georgia Tech on Thanksgiving Day to the annual football game between Tech and UGA Freshmen teams. Our duty that day was to make our presence in uniforms known and be on the watch for people with alcoholic beverages and cameras.

If we should see someone either drinking or taking a pictures we are not to inform them of the rules and threaten to throw them out. We were to do what we, as obedient scouts, do what we most likely had experience at: Go tell on them.
I was amazed how dumpy and in bad shape the houses across from the stadium were.
Both times after the game we went to The Varsity. To me, it was unbelievable of all the young Tech freshmen wearing yellow or orange “Go to Hell” caps with THE HELL WITH GEORGIA on the turned up bill. It seems like somebody of authority would take their names, like they would in high school.
Another scary thing was the urgency and the sincerity of taking your order: “WHADAYA HAVE, WHADAYA HAVE? And in the blazing sincere eyes of he order taker said, “Tell me now, or I will explode.”
Some things don’t change, now WHADAYA HAVE? Still comes from the order taker, but with an accent and more relaxed.

The Law is the Law


On my walk this morning I heard a song praising  POT; GFRASS; MJ;  Since the government made laws of what books you can not read or operations you cannot have I am surprise it has not made it a law of what music you can and cannot  listen to.

Near the end of the song he sung “I don’t want no COCAIN”!   Double negative. If nothing else, the Grammar Police should be able to nab him.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Monday, November 20, 2023

I Almost Choke To Death at the Dixie-Inn

 Ed Mulkey, Jr. died two weeks ago. He worked with my sister Frances at the First National Bank in Marietta. When I hear his name I don’t first think of the 1st National Bank of Marietta, but of the Dixie Inn in Woodstock, Ga, just north of here. His father, Ed Mulkey, Sr. owned it.

I remember the Dixie Inn well. It was in Woodstock on Canton Road, about just north of Hwy 92. My family liked to pick up fried chick in white to-go boxes on sometimes on Sundays. I do not know if it was the fried batter or the thin white boxed that kept the heat in, but whatever, it worked!
I worked as a carry out boy at the Big Apple Grocery Store on weekends when I was in high school. If they had a special worth driving to Woodstock for after work chances are we would go.
At times, we have bought their specials and then go to the Drive-In Movies.
The evening that I remember with a chill they had “all you can eat” fish, I think it was red snapper.
While enjoyed the fish and seeing how much I could eat suddenly a fish bone lodged in my throat. I fell to the floor kicking. I thought I was dying. I couldn’t breathe.
No one seem to help me. I think a waitress, ignoring me, had to step over me to deliver her food.
Somehow, it wasn’t my time, the bone popped out. And I jumped up back into my seat, somewhat embarrassed.
And I’m still here.
But the Dixie Inn isn't. A tire company is in its place.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

An Ancestor's's In-law, something like that

 Blairsville New Cemetery. Blairsville, Ga. The Dyer lady Ruth married J.R. Dyer. She was probably an in-law, in-law. One of my Ridley ancestors in Blairsville ran away with the neighbor's wife, who was a Dyer. Bascomb Petty I am sure I am related, because I am related to all the Pettys of the Georgia mountains. When I come across the name, I will already know where he is buried.

All reactions:
Clair Head, Buck Edward and 1 other
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Saturday, November 18, 2023

SUNDAY FUNNIES!! MAD Comicbook #20

No introduction needed, it speaks for itself.

Written by editor Harvey Kurtzman and illustrated by Wallace Wood 

Have Gun Will Travel (and follow)

 Bethany Baptist Church, Union County, Ga. I don't know the relationship of John and Joseph Lance, but by surname and location I think they were related. Back in early Union County, Ga days dueling was legal. If one had a dispute with someone, you could challenge him to a duel. Also, it was legal not to fight your own duels. You could hire someone to stand in for you. Joseph Lance lived in North Carolina, and was called to Union County, to professionally stand in for someone in a duel. Joseph won. Joseph like Union County, Ga. He thought the local folks were so nice and polite, he decided that he and his family would move there, which they did. Joseph Lance (1809-1879) was married to Elizabeth Hunter (1799-1875), my distant cousin and daughter of my ancestor John Hunter. I think John Hunter and his family probably moved to Union County about the same rime their oldest daughter moved there, to be close to his grandkids.

Friday, November 17, 2023

I won the lotery!


I won playing the lottery.  Weekly, at the grocery store I play Power Ball and Mega Millions.   I was so excited I forgot which one, not that it matters.

Before I buy a new car, or reserve a space flight, or buy drinks on the house I need to settle down to reality:

Of the $10 I invested in the lottery this week my winnings were  $4.  So, my winnings were -$6.

This is the first time I won anything in at least 3 years. Which is roughly $1,520.  But my lucky day is coming, I can feel it.

By the Law of Averages if nothing else.

Great Uncle Oscar Hunter & The Panama Canal

Posted 10 years ago on Facebook:

On this date, November 17, 1913, the Panama Canal opened. My grandfather's brother Oscar Ray Hunter (1884-1966) was an employee of the outfit that built it. He was there. When you think of the men who built the Panama Canal you think of the real man's man on the cover a man's magazine, like Indiana Jones, chopping his way through the Panama jungle with wild animals and humans as his adversary and digging the long canal fighting malaria the whole time. But remember, Oscar's last name was Hunter. He knew better. He was a bookkeeper. Probably the closest he got to malaria was marrying a nurse there, Charlotte Georgia McCabe.

Marietta National Guard Hunters

 Veterans' Day was almost a week ago. Maybe I can squeeze in one more Veterans' picture.

This is the Marietta Georgia National Guard unit that my Daddy was in. It was taken in 1936 at Camp Foster, Florida. Also some of Daddy's brothers, maybe most, were in the same unit.
Hand printed on the bottom of the picture is:
Co. M, 122nd Inf, Ga. National Guard at Camp Foster, Fl., Aug 9th to 22nd 1936.
I recognize Daddy (Edwin Tyson "Ed" Hunter, Sr.) being the 2nd man from the left on the 2nd row.
Also I recognize his brother (John) Stanley Hunter in the front center row with a dark shirt. Stanley turned 16 years of age just about a month and a half before the picture is dated.

Old Friend Mickey Griffin

 We ran into my old friend Mickey Griffin at Krogers in line today. We talked about our common friends he lived close to such as Jimmy Pat Presley, Larry Holcomb, the Durett sisters and so on. A lady in a wheelchair behind Mickey said that was nice, old friends catching up. I said,”Yes mam, we have been blackmailing each other for years".

Thursday, November 16, 2023



Memories keep me entertained : When I was an early teenager a group of my peers built a hut in the middle of some woods where the Whitewater Park is now, near a rock quarry. We nailed a nudie center foldout from a PLAYBOY magazine and stocked it with a some girlie magazines. The girly magazines were risque' but revealed nothing. In one picture of a young woman wearing a low-cut blouse had a nice cleavage - one in our group, known not to be real intelligent, tilted the magazine to see if he could see down the blouse. When we realized what he was doing we all just rolled all over the hut laughing. He was embarrassed and went home. Memories.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Do Rocketts Grow Old?


This morning on THE TODAY SHOW they had a brief recognition of NBC RADIO CITY’s ROCKETTS.   Being stationed near NYC I have seen THE ROCKETTS and on Anna’s and my visit to the city I have seen them more than a few times.  Beside their shapely legs they are also experts at synchrony dancing.  Impressive!

But like us all, Rockett dancers grow old and have to find something else other than high kicking dancing.

Which reminds me of my Navy time in New Jersey back in the 1960s I knew of an elderly ex-Rockett. That was her claim to fame. She often attended an Irish Bar, I think the same of it was Murphy’s.  Also, Murphy’s had another interesting person as an interesting character:f  Barney the Paper Boy.  He was old and very Irish.  He loved to sing old Irish songs and cry.

Barney he Paper Boy an the retired Rockett were very interesting characters and probably their presence drew in customers. 

Hunter & /Tyson Cousins: More Mayflower Claim to Fame

 Hunter and Tysons Cousins Claim to Fame (again):

We can brag saying our ancestor was on the Mayflower. I told you in a previous post that I discovered one of Tyson ancestors, Desire Doty’s 3rd husband, Alexander Standish was the son Miles (Myles) Standish. This morning I googled Desire Doty’s father Edward Dotyi and discovered he came to America on the Mayflower. He was a servant to Stephan Hopkins but coming on the Mayflower is something.
Records show he was something of a hell raiser. But again, he did arrive on the Mayflower.
While Googling Edward Doty I came across a Society of Edward Doty which consists of members who have proof they are directly descended. If you feel the need to belong to something go for it.
On Google:
About Edward Doty, "Mayflower" Passenger
• "The first of the family in America was Edward Doty, who came when but a youth in the Mayflower in 1620. He joined the Pilgrims at London and came with them to Plymouth, Mass. He married Faith Clark in 1635 and their children were William, Faith, Edward, John, Thomas, Samuel, Desire, Mary Elizabeth, Isaac and Joseph."
• Edward Dotey "of London" was a "Mayflower" passenger as apprentice to Stephen Hopkins, and signed the Mayflower Compact.
• His alleged baptisms - 1599, Shropshire, England; 14 May 1598, St Mary le Strand, Thurburton Hills, England - were exposed as fictional by Neil D. Thompson, The American Genealogist 66 (1988), p. 215.
• According to Gov. Bradford's "increasings and gleanings," he was married in England to a woman whose name is not known. He married in Plymouth to Faith Clarke (about 1617-1675), daughter of Thurston & Faith Clarke. They had 9 children.
• He fought New England's first duel with fellow servant Edward Leister in 1621; both were sentenced to 24 hours of punishment by having head and feet tied together for 24 hours, fasting. With the help of their master, Governor Bradford released them within an hour.
• Parents: unknown (see ancestral summary, below)
1. to an unknown woman; no children.
2. January 06, 1633/34, Plymouth Colony to Faith Clark, daughter of Thurston Clark and Faith. 9 children
Children of Edward Doty and Faith Clark:
1. Desire Doty, b. Abt. 1646, Plymouth, Mass, d. January 22, 1729/30, Marshfield, Plymouth, Mass.
2. Edward Doty, b. Bef. 1637, Plymouth, Mass, d. February 08, 1689/90, Plymouth Harbor (drowned).
3. John Doty, b. Abt. 1640, Plymouth, Mass, d. May 08, 1701, Plymouth, Mass.
4. Thomas Doty, b. Abt. 1642, Plymouth, Mass., d. Abt. December 04, 1678, Plymouth, Mass..
5. Samuel Doty, b. Abt. 1644, Plymouth, Mass, d. 1715, Piscataway, N. J..
6. Elizabeth Doty, b. Abt. 1647, Plymouth, Mass, d. April 07, 1742, Marshfield, Mass.
7. Isaac Doty, b. February 08, 1648/49, Plymouth, Mass, d. Aft. January 07, 1727/28, Oyster Bay, New York.
8. Joseph Doty, b. April 30, 1651, Plymouth, Mass, d. Abt. 1732, Rochester, Mass.
9. Mary Doty, b. Abt. 1653, Plymouth, Mass, d. Bef. June 13, 1728.
Edward Doty came on the Mayflower in 1620 as a servant to Stephen Hopkins and was apparently still a servant in 1623 when the Division of Land was held, indicating he was under the age of 25 during that time. He signed the Mayflower Compact in November 1620, so he was likely over 21 at the time. This narrows his likely birth date to around 1597-1599.
Doty had a lot of spunk and energy. He made the decision to take the Mayflower voyage as a teenager. He was extremely independent, and wasn't afraid to take chances. He is said to have jumped off of a small boat used by exploring by the Mayflower captain and crew to claim an island in the Doty name. This was, of course, an unappreciated prank. The custom was that land was discovered, claimed and named by much older and established men who would be rowed to shore and allowed to plant a flag and say a few words.
Edward Doty is also recorded as a contentious man, and was often getting himself in minor trouble with the law. On 18 June 1621 he made history by fighting a duel with Edward Leister, which would become the Colony's first (and only) duel. A duel over honor. Luckily, neither were seriously injured, and both were subsequently punished by the elders by being sentenced to having their heels tied to their neck for a day. However, their punishment was cut very short as the two became friends during the ordeal.
Records show Edward Doty was in court on a number of occasions, mostly in civil disputes which now seem quite humorous. On 2 January 1632/3, Edward Doty was sued by three different people: John Washburn, Joseph Rogers, and William Bennett. It all appears to have been a disagreement about a trade of some hogs; John Washburn's case was thrown out, Joseph Rogers was awarded four bushels of corn. In William Bennett's case, Edward Doty was found guilty of slander, and fined 50 shillings. Two years later it seems Edward Doty started a boxing career, in March 1633/4, Edward Doty was fined 9 shillings and 11 pence for drawing blood in a fight with Josias Cooke. In January 1637/8, Doty was fined for punching George Clarke during a dispute.
In 1639, Edward Doty posted "bail" for John Coombes, who was charged with giving out poisoned drinks. There were a number of other civil disputes and court matters that Edward Doty was involved with. And however strong in personality, Edward Doty was involved in simple civil disputes and was never in any serious official trouble. If you were a friend of Edward Doty you had a friend for life. But on the other hand, he was not a man to cross.
Edward Doty was a family man. He started a long line of descendants that were the first setttlers of this land that became the USA. Most all with the last name of Doty, Dotey, Doute, Doughty, Dotton and Dotten are descended from Edward Doty of the Mayflower. Perhaps it is the pride we have in our Pilgrim ancestors. They were a courageous group, with strong convictions and determination, ready to risk their lives to cross the Atlantic and land on unfamiliar soil, a wilderness. Our Pilgrims were people we can look up to, and they were our ancestors. Maybe we take pride in the accomplishments of the Pilgrims. It might be their faith in God that attracts us to honor them. There were Bible reading, praying Christians, not afraid to voice their faith. Perhaps unknowingly, the Pilgrims set the stage for religious freedom on this continent. Their goal was to worship God, as they thought right, following God's word, not the dictations of the established church. The Mayflower Compact, the first written declaration of self-government, was the genesis of the Constitution of the United States. And, that Plymouth Colony, except for Jamestown, is the oldest permanent European settlement on our East Coast.
The ancestry of Edward Doty is unknown. He came on the Mayflower as an apprentice ("servant") to Stephen Hopkins. The Mormon's I.G.I. says Edward Doty was born in Shropshire, England on 14 May 1598, but this record is complete fiction. [For more information on this hoax, see The American Genealogist 63:215].
Some sources claim he was baptized on 14 May 1598 in either Dudlick, Shropshire or "Thurburton Hills", Suffolk. I have investigated these in English records, and found both to be complete hoaxes.
However, there is a real Edward Doty baptized on 3 November 1600 at East Halton, Lincolnshire, England, son of Thomas Doty. The Doty families of East Halton are regularly using the names Thomas, Edward, and John: the first three names Mayflower passenger Edward Doty assigned to his first three children. Even if this particular Edward Doty is not the Mayflower passenger himself, I strongly suspect the true Mayflower passenger will be found amongst this general Lincolnshire Doty family
Another entry, which is circulated widely on the internet and is also on the 1994 I.G.I. addendum is that he was baptized 14 May 1598 in St. Mary le Strand, Thurburton Hills, Suffolk, England, son of John. This is just a perversion of the fictional Shropshire origins, and this record is, again, completely mythical. To begin with, there is no such place as Thurburton Hills, Suffolk. Further, the parish of St. Mary le Strand is in London not Suffolk, and contains absolutely no baptismal entries for any Edward Doty's from 1595 to 1600.
There are no fewer than eight known genuine Edward Doty baptisms that occurred between 1585 and 1605, but none have been conclusively identified as the Edward Doty of the Mayflower.
Edward was an apprentice (servant) to Stephen Hopkins, and apprentices could not generally get married until their contract term was up. William Bradford, in his journal Of Plymouth Plantation, states in early 1651 "But Edward Doty by a second wife hath seven children, and both he and they are living." Doty's first marriage must have occurred in Plymouth sometime after he was released from his contract with Hopkins (which apparently occurred between 1623 and 1627).
1. Edward, son of the immigrant Edward, married Sarah Faunce in 1663. Their children were, Edward, Sarah, John, Martha, Elizabeth, Patience, Mercy, Samuel, and Benjamin.
2. John, son of the immigrant Edward, was father of John, Edward, Jacob, Elizabeth, Isaac, Samuel, Elisha, Josiah, and Martha.
3. Thomas son of the immigrant Edward, resided in Middleton and was father of Hannah and Thomas.
4. Samuel, son of the immigrant Edward , who moved to New Jersey, was father of Samuel, Sarah, Isaac, Edward, James, Jonathan, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Joseph, Daniel, Margaret, John, and Nathaniel, this Samuel and his descendents frequently spelled their name Doughty.
5. Isaac,son of the immigrant Edward, frequently used the Doughty form, moved to New York and was father of Isaac, Joseph, Jacob, Solomon, James, and Samuel.
6. Joseph 1, youngest son of the immigrant Edward, resided at Rochester, Mass. His children were Theophilus, Elizabeth, Ellis, Joseph, Deborah, John, Mercy, Faith, and Mary

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Paul Everett Foster

 Throwback Thursday, c 1898. Paul Everett Foster, Jr (1895-1936). on a tricycle. Paul is Anna's mother's father. He grew up to be Singer Sewing Machine salesman and repairman, and a teacher.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Gladys Knight, a Pip, and Hil Hill


This mid-morning on THE VIEW Gladys Knight and her background group did two songs.  One of the songs was MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO GEORGIA.  I think she did it as well as she did back in the 70s.

Gladys is from Atlanta.  I think she still lives in Atlanta.

When I knew her music well three young men were her backups.  The three young men group name was THE PIPS.

Now, three ladies are the backups.  I think they probably did as well as the Pips.

One of the Pips last name was Hill.  He was married to Katherine Hill.  I knew Katherine well.  She was an Atlanta Postal employee.  Katherine was sort of a secretary for the night postal management.  With my job as a time keeper I got to know Katherine well.  After I transferred out to Marietta  I think she became a head Postal management also.  Years later I went to a Postal Retirement similar and she was one of the speakers.  We were glad to see each other.

Anyway, before I transferred to Marietta Katherine divorced the Pip with the last name Hill.  After the divorce she married an Atlanta Postal Supervisor, who also had the last name Hill.  His name was Gilbert Hill.

So, after that we called Katherine Katherine Hill Hill and her new husband Gilbert Hill Hill.