
Saturday, September 02, 2023

Showing off for tourists

 I took this picture of the United Nations in the early 1970s. We got to tour the world famous center and its chambers and all, which includes their post office. We thought it would be unique to mail UN postcards with UN postal stamps from there. We made our selections of stamps and cards and got in line to the postal clerks’ windows. As I remember there were about 3 or 4 people ahead of us in line.

The lady ahead of the line dealing with the postal clerk was having a hard time trying to decide which stamps to go on which card. She was a perfectionist at our expense.
Finally a man in line hollered out something like, “Jeeez! We don’t have all day lady!” The lady told him (and us) that it was her right to pick what she wants. Then he shouted even louder that the rest of us have things to do today. The postal clerk’s face was non-committal.
Our expression was not so unexpressive. We ate it up. We saw a typical New York resident shout at a stranger and kept on unforgiving shouting. All very typical NYC people. Authentic realism!
It was almost as good as the “UNTO THESE HILLS” play at the Cherokee Indian Reservation in the Smokies, North Carolina.

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