
Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Reusing a Facebook Post (stealing from myself)

Facebook post 8 Years ago: True incident that just happen: Doorbell: Ding Dong! Willow: BOW-WOW! BOW-WOW! GGrrrrrr! Me, answering the door seeing a khaki uniformed officer with a gun on his belt walking up the driveway: "Can I help you?" The uniformed man shows me a black and white picture, on an 8x10 sheet of paper. The background is what you would expect in a convenience store: "Have you ever see this man? We heard he lives across the street." And pointed across the street. Me: "I think so. He looks like one of men that come and go across the street. He screams a lot, gets mad and storms off and shows back up in a day or so." Another khaki uniformed officer walks from the back of the house across the street. Officer: "We knocked on the door and they didn't come to the door, but we heard a TV going upstairs." Me: I shrugged, what could I say to that? He thanked me and left. He joined the other officer and they walked out of sight. Strange, they were on foot. I called my 93 year old neighbor and told her the latest gossip. She, who spends much of the time, at the window using the pair of binoculars we gave her for her birthday one year, said she saw them in the yard and one went to our door. I told them they were walking. She said she saw them parking their police car around the corner, two houses down. I wonder why they parked so far away? Another fine day in the neighborhood.

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