
Friday, April 07, 2023

Archie the Introducer

Anna just read to me of someone local on Facebook found what looked like a couple of arrowheads in his and wondered could Native Americans lived in the area long ago. There is a quote saying of find more than one arrowhead in the same spot it is likely a Native American settlement used to be there. It reminded me back in the 1950s we visited my mother’s sister and her husband, Sarah and Bill, newly weds, that lived on Hunt Street. Behind their house lived my classmate, Archie Richardson. Archie lived there only a short time. He lived on North Forest Avenue, at the corner of Forest Avenue. While we grownups visited I visited Archie. We looked around in his new backyard. We came across a half buried arrowhead. We dug in the dirt near that spot and found two or three more. A Native American settlement in that back yard? Who knows? I carried one of those arrowheads in my pocket for a couple of years until I lost it. Archie introduced me to something that was a big influence and mind-setter, and frame of mind of the rest of my life: MAD Comicbook #4.

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