
Sunday, December 25, 2022

Do Animals Talk at 12 O'Clock Christmas Eve?

DO ANIMALS TALK AT MIDNIGHT ON CHRISTMAS EVE? Years ago, before there was color TV, there was a weekly drama/sitcom on called MAMA. Mama's family were immigrants. I think they were from Norway or Sweden; or someplace like that. I know their accent they use "Yah" a lot, instead of "yes" or "yeah". I think they lived in an urban setting yet, in their garage or utility building they used it has a barn. They kept livestock in it. There were Mama, Poppa, and about three stairstep children: two teenagers and one adolescent. It was sort of a depressing sitcom of immigrants trying to adjust to our city slicker way of life. I don't remember but one of the stories, their Christmas story. It was about from the country they were from the story handed down that on Christmas Eve at midnight animals talked. The story line were that the kids were going to spend the night in the barn/garage and talk to their cow at midnight. They had good intentions, but all fell asleep before midnight, so they never knew if old Betsy had anything to say or not - or if the legend was true or not. This morning I had a talk with Willow. Me: Willow, have you thought about what you are going to say tonight? Willow: Tilted her head sideways, like saying , "What?... I don't understand?" Me: You know, tonight, Christmas Eve you can talk. Have you thought about what you are going to say? Willow: Tilted her head the other way. Me: And I was wondering, what sort of accent would you have. Willow: Stretched. Me: And would you say something insightful and profound to say or just daily "nice weather" talk? Willow: Yawn. Me: I guess we will just have to wait until tonight to find out. Willow: Asleep.

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