
Monday, November 21, 2022

My Tricycle Wreck

I am still trying to get more mileage out my pictures. This drive way downhill is from the back of the buildings on the 2nd block, south, of Atlanta Street. The big tree foliage is where Steele's Store used to be. The light green vacent field on the right is where the Clay Homes used to be. We lived there from about 1941 to 1947. Back to the hill going down to Waddell Street, across from Steel's Store: When I was about 3 or 4 I learned about gravity and mechanics. On my tricycle I figured out if I left my legs while going down a hill I could go faster. And, speeding down this steep little hill would be the ultimate thrill. What I didn't consider was that Waddell Street was meant for automobile traffic. I sped down the hill, with legs up, getting a thrill and WHAM! A car driven by a lady hit me. I was knocked out cold. I woke up hours later on our couch with several family members and neighbors looking at me. The lady was completely innocent, it was all me. Well, live and learn!

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