
Friday, September 23, 2022

Funeral Years Ago

We went to Mayes Ward Funeral Home in downtown Marietta to pay our respects to the departed and the departed husband and daughters. The departed had a fair amount of blood relatives and fellow church members there. Because they are my in-laws I knew all the relatives but the church members I wasn't sure about some, but I think I knew most of them too. But did the ones that I knew know me? No. That is because I am invisible. One of the church members I have seen many times in different social surroundings knows my in-laws well, but I know he has never really focused on me. The little devil sitting on my shoulder dared me to speak to him by his first name and watch his expression. I did. The man looked at me puzzled, first like, "I heard my name, where did it come from? Him?" He looked at me and I smiled. He smiled and said, "How ya doing?" And gave me an eye-twinkling smile. I said, "Same ol, same ol" And walked on. Arnold Parish, a life-long family friend came in. He spoke to me by name and haven't seen me in a couple of years. That always surprises me. He used to live with his family in the Clay Homes. He is about the same age as Frances. He told me he was a volunteer in the Cancer Unit and knew the deceased's husband there, where he was also a volunteer. David Green, another life-long friend came in. He and the deceased's husband are both in the Masons. Poor David is having back problems. A horse threw him and did a number on his back which he looks to be suffering terribly with, he even now stands in a warp position. I hope he gets relief for his back soon. By random chance two life-long friends showed up at my aunt-in-law's visitation. I wonder if I went to any visitation of any Marietta native if I visited long enough would somebody I know come in to pay their respects? What about two people showing up? What do you think the chances are? I think the chances are pretty high. Once the widower was sitting alone. I sat down beside him. It didn't seem right that he should sit along when everybody were socializing. He told me earlier he had to sit, his back was hurting him. He asked me how I was doing. "Fine, and you?" "She is better off now." "No more pain." "And in a better place." I nodded. It is good that people can come to a place that is all about their relative or friend's death and socialize and keep everything light hearted for closure. It is like the old expression, "I'm laughing to keep from crying."

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