
Friday, June 10, 2022

Movie RESPECT about Aretha Franklin Staring Jennifer Hudson

We just watched the movie RESPECT on cable, the story of Aretha Franklin starring Jennifer Hudson. We thought it was very good, insightful, did a good job of covering history in that time frame and made you want to jump out of your seat and start dancing. It also had a few scenes with wife beating but I had no inspiration to jump up and do that. Once they discussed the magic of the musicians and their instruments need to have a little jam session to tune their instruments and minds to each other. Each musician and his instruments must for its own language for every other instrument musician. It is magic. Martin Luther King, Jr. was in the movie several times. Aretha was a MLK backer with her music and donations. Which reminded me of a certain night; On April 4, 1968, Anna and I went to the Bottom of the Barrell to hear Odetta in concert. I do not remember what kind of establishment The Bottom of the Barrell was, we did not have a chance to order. They announce Odetta cancelled her concert, Martin Luther King had been assassinated in Memphis. We got our refund and left. After we stopped someplace to ear it was dark when we arrived in Marietta. I was curious about downtown Marietta, what was going on there with the latest news. On the Square We slowly drove north towards the Strand on East Park Square At the stop light at North Park Square I saw a crowd of men standing and talking. Trouble? As I drove past them studying what ever I forgot about the traffic light, and it was red. I ran it and a car almost hit me. I slammed on my brakes and Anna fell forward (that was before seatbelt law). I instinctively held my arm out and blocked her from crashing into the dash. I turned left in front of The Strand and we got the hell of there. See RESPECT if you haven’t and find time. We thought it was great. Especially, if you like Rock and Roll music.

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