
Thursday, May 05, 2022

Who Me?

Then I materialized before her eyes! We buried our baby sister Bonnie today. She lived 67 years. While we were mulling around… actually, I think the crew was waiting for us to move out of the way so they could do their work, a lady walked up to me and said something to the effect, “So you are Eddie Hunter, huh?” She went on to tell me when we lived on Richard Street she was about Bonnie’s age, living almost next door with her parents. Apparently she was Bonnie’s playmate. She said back then she never saw me, but heard my name a lots. Like, “Eddie left for the Navy today.” Or “Eddie got an apartment in Atlanta.” Or “Eddie is getting married.” She said she always wondered what I looked like or did I even exist at all? I felt guilty just being plain old aging me. It seemed that I should have put out a glow radiating from me something.

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