
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

My 60 Years Plus City of Chicago Traffic Ticket, an inside joke

I got word a couple of days ago that a Navy friend’s brother had died. He is survived by his brother (the Navy fiend) and his sister. Interesting, he was a Chicago cop that I think belonged to a special unit. I think he was probably in his early 70s, therefore probably retired. I feel for his family. I remember about in about 1965 or 66, I paid my friend a visit in Chicago. His brother, jokingly, wrote me a traffic ticket. Although it was a joke, it was still a real unpaid traffic ticket. I am a fugitive of the law. For real. It I should be pulled over and they run my vehicle’s registration they mlight find the unpaid parking ticket, some 60 years old. I might tell the cops the joke is on them as they throw away the key to the jailhouse.

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