
Friday, February 11, 2022

It is not suppose to work Like That!

Yesterday at Walmart I bought 3 suet blocks, each about three or four times thicker than a coaster. I bought one each: Berry suet; Woodpecker suet, and Nut suet. The prices went up, like every thing else. Last year I was paying slight over a dollar pe suet block and yesterday I paid almost $1.75 each. Robbery! I put the berry suit in a little cage-box near two bird feeders. I put the woodpecker suet in a littler wood thing that has an exposed side which makes it easy for Woodpeckers to get to. Speaking of Woodpecker suet what do you think it is made of? Woodpeckers prefer insects that had made their home in trees. So, I think the woodpecker suet was made from deceased insects. Should woodpecker suet manufactures have a statement on the side of the package saying their bugs were killed humanly. After I finished hanging the suet I looked out a back window that overlooks my suets and saw a woodpecker pecking the berry suet. Damn! It is not suppose to work like that!

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