
Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Over and Over Again

Cheshire Bridge Road off I-85 in Atlanta has been in the news a lot lately. One time it was an unofficial homeless shelter under the Bridge and more recently, the Bridge is being rebuilt causing a lot of suggestions on how to re-route oneself commuting. Each time I hear Cheshire Bridge Road I am reminded of the time in the late 1960s we saw a coupon in the paper advertising an Italian Restaurant on Cheshire Bridge Road. The coupon offered one free meal if you bought a meal of equal or greater value. The chef and owner found out we were there to take advantage of their generous offer. As owner, and chef, he visited each table to ask how they are enjoying their meal and other small talk. When he got to our table I forgot how he found out we were eating one of those meals equal to one another completely free. He threw a few insults our way about how can a business man make any money if the only way he can get business is to give half of it free. And he topped the conversation by topping the conversations by, “Can I get you folks anything? Catsup?” Even I got that one.

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