
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Homeless at Krogers'

We have been shopping weekly at the same Kroger’s Grocery Store for years. We are retired, so we are not on a routine to buy groceries a certain day. For the past half year or so, almost every time we go, no matter what day it is, we see a certain man walking the aisles. He always wears the same denims, He appears to be in his late 30s. The aimless way he walks around the store without picking anything up makes me think he is homeless. On the walk in front of Krogers there is swing set for sale. A couple of times I have seen him sitting in the swing reading a very thick and bad-shape paperback book. Another time I saw him running down a hill on a sidewalk headed in the direction of Krogers. Was he late? Late for what? I wonder what he finds comfort in Kroger’s? I think I would at least pick a store that had plenty of free samples. Today, after loading the groceries in he car I returned the shopping cart to the walk in front of the store. He was sitting in the swing reading a Bible. I spoke to him for the first time. I said, “Howdy!” or something like that. He said, “God Bless you and be careful out there.” I wish I had slipped him some money.

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