
Friday, October 15, 2021


We are straightening out the basement this week. So far we have taken three truck loads of stuff we no longer have a use for to a non-profit organization for them to catalog and sell. Yesterday at the non-profit place a man helped me unload the truck. When he picked up the "Humane Mousetrap" he asked what was is this. I told him it was a humane mousetrap. While they are eating the bait the door slams shut. So, if you want to take get rid of the mouse humanely you can. I recall over 20 years ago when the owner of Tru-Value Hardware sold me the trap/cage. After he demonstrated how it operates he added, "and how you get rid of the mouse is according to what kind of man you are."
The man helping me wanted to know more in detail the mechanism and what triggered it to snap shut.
He never asked me on the other two loads how something worked. I bet he used it last night. He might have jumped with joy when he heard the trap snapped shut. And he said, "Yes!"

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