
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

No Swan Lake for Me

I have fell twice recently. Once in a parking lot, which I fell flat on my face, or head, as the scabs proved. How that happened was my foot was asleep, as it has happened many times before in a car (also movie theaters) and when I got out of the car and took a step it was like falling into nothingness, the WHAM! I have tried walking many times before with a foot asleep after getting out of a car and no problem, the movement woke itself up. The second time I fell was in our own house. I normally wake up before anybody else and with the house dark feel by touch and memory feel my way to the kitchen to start myself a nice cup of coffee. But this time I was feeling with my memory guiding me and thought a door to another room was yet a few feet away and I was feeling for the wall that should have been there and it wasn’t the door was there, which I fell into, bashing my head and body anito furniture. Here we go again! I thought. We got an appointment with a physical therapist (PT). for him to rate my balance. He had me fill out a two page questionnaire, then walk around, turn around, stand on one foot then the other foot, and so on. One thing I cannot do for sure is stand on one foot balanced and also stand on one foot with my eyes closed. So now, at least we know I cannot keep my balance on one leg, so no need trying to audition as a ballet dancer. Pilloretting is out of the question.

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