
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Is a BIG CROWD good?


This is about my blog  Yes, you will see some cheap self-promoting along with some shameless bragging, if you read it.

I started the blog in 2006.  I had no idea what I was going to say or why say anything?  Finally I decided to put whatever pops into my head, within reason.    I am doing this for a mind exercise.  I feel myself getting more forgetful and senile, so sure a little brain calisthenics  should help.

Then I got interested in genealogy and it became an excellent vehicle to share all the family information.

Of course, the blog kind of has a MAD Comic fever.  That is because I have been a MAD creators fan many years and hat MAD outlook has rubbed off on me, I have a warped outlook like MAD.

I don’t like to argue politics.  I have friends that think complete opposite than I do, and no maater wha either of say, we will not change each other’s mind.  Arguing politics is a waste of time.

It did not take long, maybe a year or two to decide emails comments to the blog was a pain in the ass.  People wanting more details, people suggesting private jokes that leave the average reader senseless, correcting me, and so on.  So finally, I found a switch on my homepage thing to block comments.  So


For many years my readership daily has been between 50 and 130, give or take.

But about a couple of months ago my daily readership fell to less than 50.  Then I jokingly said all the readers for the previous day could fit into my truck if one or two would agree to sit in the bed.

Now, a new mystery has developed.  My daily readership have jumped into the thousands.

I went to the intestines or brain of the blog and discovered something I did not know I had.  It is a report of visitors up to the minute.

Here is the latest report:  Followers 21; 9650 Posts; 9570 Comments; total number visitors since it started 1,825,513.  Today 1508 visitors.  Yesterday 2668; This month 7672; and last month 5186

I lit up when it said readers comments 9570.

Even though the comments were blocked they were still there.  But not all were there, over half were censored because of their contents.  But still I have over 400 comments to read, which hopefully will be a treat.

But back to my brain.  Why such a sudden big visitor increase?  I don’t like big crowds, they are intimidating. 

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