
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Clean Your Typewriter! a voice from the past

Still cleaning and straightening out the basement this morning we looked at old Underwood Typewriter.. The typewriter was dirty. We studied a few minutes on how to clean it up. It reminded of my Navy days. Our immediate petty officer was named Ron. Ron often noticed the typewriter at my desk keys' types were dirty. To clean the types we brushed the types with some kind of cleaning solvent. Then with a clay looking wad you pressed into the metal types' loops, such as in the number 6 or 0 and other loops. It was easy to glance over a typed report and see if it needed cleaning or not. Ron often said, "Hunter! Clean your typewriter!@" Ron's active duty expired and he went to civilian life in St. Paul, where he was an officer at a big company. Our friend Sam, went back to civilian life to St. Paul's twin city, Minneapolis. In the same summer I went to visit Don in Chicago and we drove across Wisconsin to Minneapolis to visit Sam. The three of us decided to pay Ron a surprised visit at his work. His secretary told he was out to lunch. We went in his rather large offied and I, on his typewriter, typed, "RON, CLEAN YOUR TYPEWRITER!!" And we all left. We never, as far as I know, never heard from Ron.

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