
Friday, October 22, 2021

Booster Shot Blues

got my booster shop today. I got it in the pharmacist department of a grocery store. I think there were about 3 or 4 people ahead of me. I watched the lady pharmacist’s procedure. On each customer or patient she repeated the same set up procedure. When each person left she cleaned up where that person was sitting. And on each case she had to make a new hypodermic shot. I think she would have saved a lot of time if she had a row of chairs and divide people into the type booster they needed, and have all that with he, so she would no have to run and back and forth behind the counter. She asked me if I wanted it on left upper arm or my might. I said it did not matter. Well, it did to her. She asked which side did I sleep on and I said my right. She said it would probably be better on my left arm. She asked me did I take blood thinner and I said she I do. She bought with her extra tape and gauze, never know when you might strike a leak. When it came my time I told her how she could make it more efficient and she seemed to have appreciated it. Always ask a retired postal employee how the make it less work.

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